Long live Rush, that fat jackass!

Not all conservatives like his "leadership".

The Canadian Press said:
Canadian David Frum attacks talk radio host Rush Limbaugh

WASHINGTON — Canadian David Frum has taken direct and unflinching aim at one of the most powerful figures of the Republican party, talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh, in a Newsweek magazine cover story.

In the piece entitled "Why Rush is Wrong," Frum - a transplanted conservative pundit who's also an American citizen - argues that Limbaugh's ideas for the future of the party will lead it down a disastrous path.

He describes Limbaugh as "a man who is aggressive and bombastic, cutting and sarcastic, who dismisses the concerned citizens in network news focus groups as 'losers.'

"With his private plane and his cigars, his history of drug dependency and his personal bulk, not to mention his tangled marital history, Rush is a walking stereotype of self-indulgence - exactly the image that Barack Obama most wants to affix to our philosophy and our party. And we're co-operating!"

Frum's scathing attack on Limbaugh comes as the Democrats, led by White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, continue to use the talk radio host as a punching bag, suggesting his divisive and polarizing views are representative of the Republican party's values.

The apparent goal is to convince Americans that the Republican party has been taken over by narrow-minded neo-conservatives who are clinging tightly to socially conservative policies that are unpopular among younger Americans in particular.

The strategy might also help win further support for President Barack Obama from moderate Republicans and independents who are squeamish about Limbaugh.

Emanuel has reportedly had his back up ever since Limbaugh, 58, said publicly that he wanted Obama to fail as president.

"Why would I want socialism to succeed?" has been Limbaugh's repeated response to the uproar that resulted from that remark. Some Republicans, including Newt Gingrich, were among those who objected.

Emanuel has since cast Limbaugh as the "voice and the intellectual force and energy" of the Republican party, setting off a quarrel among Republicans that has merely served to illustrate that, in fact, the party has no leader.

Limbaugh's three-hour daily show has the largest radio talk show audience in the United States and he recently signed an eight-year contract worth $400 million US. Last week Limbaugh challenged Obama to an on-air debate, telling the president he'd fly him to New York on his private jet for the occasion.

On his talk show Monday, Limbaugh didn't address Frum directly except to crow that he doesn't "see anyone else's face on the cover of Newsweek magazine." His critics, the talk radio host said, are simply jealous of his success.

But Frum, a respected figure among moderate Republicans, expects to become the target of Limbaugh's wrath at some point soon. His Canadian heritage has been held up before as reason to dismiss his opinions, he noted.

"Certain right-wing talk show hosts will throw this at me," Frum, the son of late CBC journalist Barbara Frum, said with a laugh Monday from his home in Washington.

"The problem that you encounter is Americans generally have very, very positive feelings about Canada. And it's said in a tone as if to say: 'You child molester. You terrorist sympathizer,' with this huge buildup of emotional intensity before the epithet is hurled. And what an anti-climax."

Despite Limbaugh's insistence that he's not the leader of the Republican party, Frum disagreed. Even more alarming is that leading congressional Republicans appear to be intimidated by Limbaugh, he added.

"He is the most visible and powerful conservative voice in America right now," Frum said.

"And he is creating tremendous pressures on the party that make it impossible to adapt ... there were moments during the debate on the budget when it looked like the Republicans might be able to come up with something like a relative alternative, and they've really been intimidated out of that."

Frum said the Newsweek piece was something he'd hoped he'd never have to pen.

"I wanted not to write this piece. I'm a big believer in broad coalitions. The people who listen to Rush are indispensable to any future conservative Republican coalition."

"They're the people who lick the envelopes and send in the $100 donations, and when the party's in trouble, it cannot afford to alienate that base. So he is getting them agitated in favour of the most inflexible possible position which really constrains the ability of party leaders to respond to the problems of today."

The party is in deep trouble in the aftermath of the November election and it needs to grow and adapt with the times on issues ranging from same-sex marriage to environmental and economic policy, Frum said.

That's why Limbaugh's insistence that Republicans should embrace social conservatism with even more fervour could sound the death knell for the party, he adds.

"I do feel that he's wrong, and he's leading Republicans in a very destructive way."
the inflamatory opinion piece posted above said:

thus rendering anything he/she may have to say about american government completely useless and unimportant

long live the rest of you lamebrained welfare sucking bastards (borrowing from the thread title)
thus rendering anything he/she may have to say about american government completely useless and unimportant

long live the rest of you lamebrained welfare sucking bastards (borrowing from the thread title)
who's also an American citizen
thus rendering anything he/she may have to say about american government completely useless and unimportant

cool! does this mean we aren't allowed to interject ourselves into the rest of the world's affairs, and can stop dropping hundreds of billions of dollars per year on ridiculous wars and maintaining military bases all over the fucking planet? Sweeeeet!!!
Remarkably, voters view Limbaugh negatively by a two-to-one ratio (53 to 26 percent), with nearly half the country, 45 percent, viewing him very, very negatively. Among independents, the ratio rises to three-to-one. Meanwhile, Limbaugh’s rating has deteriorated among moderate Republicans since November’s election, with his unfavorability rising from 37 to 46 percent.

Gallup Polls Rush Approval Rating


Strong majority of Democrats have negative opinions of the conservative talk-show host
Well waterboy, once they teach you reading in around 2nd grade you might be able to find in the article where it says he has dual citizenship!

17% of republicans never even heard of the man
Rush who?

He's their poster boy!

Rush Limbaugh is a joke.

....... once they teach you reading in around 2nd grade you might be able to find in the article where it says he has dual citizenship!

Stop. :rofl3: Please.

Heee heee heee!

Haaaa haaaa haaaa!

Hoooo Hoooo Hoooo!

You should take that on the road!

so which is he?

if hes canadian his opinion is worthless as relates to american politics

if hes an american why say hes a canadian?

or are you guys the 51st state after all?
I'm sure that you'll find that debate has no borders. Until such time as you build a wall around the USA and let nobody in or out, turn off your internet, phone lines and satellite tv - that many countries are interested in what happens in other countries, and in particular, how those policies with affect their own countries.

I understand that there are many Americans that say they don't care about what's happening anywhere else in the world - but you certainly don't act that way.

Your friendly neighbourhood Cannuckistani :D
As a matter of fact even if he was solely Canadian, have you ever considered that he might still be right? The Republican party has been a sinking ship for a while now, is Rush really the kind of guy you want representing it? It's tantamount to letting Oprah be the face of the Democrats, although much as she annoys me, Oprah is probably a lot better person than Rush.
Rush Limbaugh EIB Network:

1Q 2009 Revenues up 13.5% over 1Q 2008

Audience up 32% from baseline of 20-22 million listeners.


RUSH: I normally would not release this kind of information, but there have been noted efforts to impugn this program's ratings and success as part of the effort to demonize me. We here at the EIB Network, in the midst of a recession, have just closed the first quarter of 2009.

Revenues at the EIB Network in the first quarter of 2009 are up 13.5% over first quarter revenues of 2008, and at our revenue baseline, that is not an insignificant percentage or amount represented by it. Now, here's the difference, or here's the thing. This fact that I have recently imparted... Oh, and I can share with you that we have just finished an analysis of Arbitron listening data for... What is it? Is it January-February or February-March? It could be all three months; I'd have to check the e-mail. But the cume audience, which means total bodies, is up 32%. Now, when you're starting at a baseline of 20, 22 million, 32% is a significant number in the cume -- and that's total listeners. That's not getting into demographics; it's total listeners. Now, there are certain people who are responsible for this.

There are certain people that made this happen, and I want to take a brief moment to thank them. They are you. Every one of you listening to this program, you are the reason that I can report these increased numbers. Our wonderful sponsors and advertisers are having tremendous success because of you. And through all of this, the one thing I know is that every effort the past 20 years to divide me from you, my audience, has only strengthened the bond. That, above all else, means the most to me in this. So it would be ridiculous for me to get down in the dumps. It would be ridiculous for me to get depressed and to get worried about being demonized, because human nature is proving out. Just as I told the Politico, "They're elevating me at the White House. They are strengthening the bond between all of us involved." That means you in this program's success, so thank you very much.
