Long time...


Kissy Goddess
Hey All... been a while. Way too much has happened in my little life, perhaps I'll let it ooze out over the next while. Enough about me... how are all you??? Ya ya.. I did the search to see if my name came up - lol - I wasn't missed!! What the hell?? :p

Any seperations? Divorces? New babies? Any totally cool threads I should read? Like.. someone was stalked! Met a fmous person?? :)

Anyways - I'm a stay at home mom now - so I have time to pop in more ;)

xo K
Glad to see your back,hope you can stay awhile.

Nixy just bought a new car,but thats about as exciting as it got .Oh there was that one thing ,but we aren't allowed to talk about it.:evilgrin:
A.B.Normal said:
Oh there was that one thing ,but we aren't allowed to talk about it.:evilgrin:

Not only can't we talk about it, we aren't even supposed to reflect on it. Man, that got bad, dint it? I thought it never would settle down. People cussin, callin names, making threats...if it hadn't been for what that one person did, this place would have been a lot different. :D
And you should all be well ashamed of yourselves. Depriving us of your company.

The pain, oh, the pain.
Stay at home Mommy. My new title. I will go in to the office once in a while to help with any fires, but that's it.

No emails, Dave - you want one? :)

Prof- my company is very deprived *grin*

Gonz - what can I say, but :kiss: back :)

AB/Luis/Leslie.... familiar names to keep me feelin' comfy here. Thank God for you guys!

Drew... hmmm... Drew..... dreeewwwww.... nope.. name doesn't ring a bell? At least not *my* bell... KIDDING..... so.. who are you? :)
Ogame. Referrence to my most beloved weapon, the Gauss rifle. AKA the magnetic linear accelerator cannon.
Imagine being able to accelerate a multi-ton projectile to supersonic speeds instantly. That's the gauss cannon. Its recoil causes earthquakes.
Spirit said:
Drew... hmmm... Drew..... dreeewwwww.... nope.. name doesn't ring a bell? At least not *my* bell... KIDDING..... so.. who are you? :)

You know I've been wanting to ask that same question. :shrug: