Look at these headlines...

the one with sharon really caught my eye, i'm glad that someone so high up in israel has said what many have thought for a long time - the occupation of the west bank and gaza is bad for both countries.
The Israelis are desperate for peace. They're tired of seeing their wives and children splattered on the walls of Israel. They would have done this before but they simply didn't believe that it would bring peace. I think they really believe that this time the worlds pressure will help supress terrorism greatly. I expect to see Hamas, hezbollah and these other groups begin an all out campaign of terrorism to thwart the peace process. I have no doubts about this. I'd love to see the Palestinian people rise up and start hanging these terrorist sympathizers with public support for the peace process but i just don't see it happening. It's going to get worse before it gets better.
its probably because they are as scared of what those with the weapons will do if they stand opposed. fear runs deep.

it will be a long and slow road, even relatively successful peace processes like the one in northern ireland have their setbacks. the most powerful thing is to give the people a taste of peace, it can be enough to make them strong against the militant insanity.
HeXp£Øi± said:
I'd love to see the Palestinian people rise up and start hanging these terrorist sympathizers with public support for the peace process

The day this happens I promise to get off their back. It would be a sign of goodwill & serious intent.
i always see the term "the palestinian people" come back over and over again. for some reason people believe that the common palestinian people support terrorist attacks and the war that is going on, while it's actually the 'government' led by arafat that isn't doing anything about it.

just as bad that the common israeli people are blamed for actions by the sharon-government.

good to see that there is actually a bit of improvement coming up. sharon admitting that they are occupying parts that belong the palestinians is a great step forward.
the sad thing is that a great number of palestinians support the intifada, including some support for terrorist bombings. support has slipped steadily over the last 6 months, as has support for arafat [although much of that is due to the corruption of the office].

they do want two countries, side by side though, and that is an achiveable and realistic goal. if that public will can be made to bear on the militants then genuine achievements can be made.

the hard part will be the smallest minority of militants who feel that they can carry on the fight. even if a major organisation like hamas were to stand to a ceasefire there will be splinter groups that continue the violence. it happened in northern ireland and the telling thing was the public outcry from both sides when the real ira splinter group bombed omagh.
both sides condemned it, even those that were once republican paramilitaries themselves.
once again, politics gets in the way

PM redefines his use of 'occupation' after A-G rebukes him
By Gideon Alon, Haaretz Correspondent

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on Tuesday backtracked
on his use of the word "occupation," which he had
used four times at a meeting with Likud MKs on
Monday to describe Israel's presence in the

Many of us use the term palestinian people realizing it's not neccassarily the majority yet it's the most active if not the only active force we see coming from the region. The obvious reason for this is that you don't dare speak out against the Palestinian authorities beliefs lest you're head be on a pole by nightfall. Now is the time for the palestinians to stand up. I am not a racist. I will use the fairest judgement possible when deciding who i believe is to blame. Yet when the israeli miltary uses poor judgement and ends up killing innocent Palestinians i don't see Israeli citizens dancing in the streets. The first thing the Palestinians need to do is change their appearence. When a suicide bomber kills Isrealis they need to be in the streets condemning the action. This takes courage in Palestine since it is not the popular thing to do but this is the only route to freedom for those people. Some of them may die doing it but that's where we(the US, UN, EU) come in. If the majority want's peace they're going to have to make themselves known. Few will have the courage to stand up and be heard if terrorists are in control and threatoning to kill them and their families. This is exactly why we must start from the top SF because as you said we can't do a DAMN thing if the leadership is out for blood.
The plot thickens

By MARK LAVIE, Associated Press Writer

JERUSALEM - Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat (news - web sites) stepped in to assert Tuesday that he — not his prime minister — is in charge of the Palestinian side in negotiations with Israel, throwing plans for an Israeli-Palestinian summit into confusion.

The dispute underlined the power struggle between Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas, the prime minister he grudgingly appointed under international pressure, as efforts to move forward on a new peace plan intensified.

Arafat since then has been fighting a rear-guard action to limit Abbas' powers, objecting to the makeup of his Cabinet and inserting many of his stalwarts, retaining control of most of the Palestinian security forces and keeping for himself the final word over peace moves.

This counters the Israeli and U.S. intention to sideline Arafat, charging that he is tainted with terrorism and had led his Palestinian Authority (news - web sites) into corruption and inefficiency.
