Look at what I found in the garden today


Well-Known Member
Two of them.




Been living here 4 years now and never knew they were in the pond.
The one in the garden was starting to make a mess of the plants, so I hauled her out with a shovel. Weighed about 30 pounds. I could feel the snap on the shovel blade, wouldn't want her to get a finger or toe.
Sweet. Any idea what kind they are?

The one dude has some impressive fence climbing skills.

No, I don't. Tried looking it up but could only find alligator snapping turtles (which this isn't) and generic snapping turtles that are common to this area.

Thats as high up the fence as it got. Kept falling over.
I'm... a... tur... tle. ... I... work... for... the... U... ni... ted... States... Pos... tal... Ser... vice.
oooh, no snappers ain't cool.
They eat 3 times their weight in fish.

I need me another 30.06
Gato, any time you want turtle, drop by, and I drop one, unless
you wanna do 'turtle grabbing'.

I despise um.
I haven't had turtle since I was a kid. There's just so many other things I'd rather eat... including snail.