Look out, he's got a knife!!!


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Schwarzenegger addresses Cali woes in online video

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is shown in a scene from his Twitter video he posted Tuesday July 21, 2009 related to the state's budget crisis. He tells followers he likes one suggestion to autograph a fleet of state-owned vehicles being put up for auction on Craigslist and eBay. The video had received more than 33,000 hits by Wednesday afternoon. (THE ASSOCIATED PRESS/California Governor's Office)

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - When a tall, muscular man wields a 2-foot-long knife on-camera, it's usually not for a thank-you video.

But that's what California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has done on his Twitter account, where the Republican actor-turned-governor posted a video message Tuesday thanking followers for their budget-balancing ideas as the state tries to fix a $26 billion deficit.

In the video, he sits at his desk in the state capitol admiring a 2-foot-long folding knife before addressing viewers and saying he likes one follower's suggestion to autograph a fleet of state-owned vehicles being put up for auction on Craigslist and eBay.

"You come up with the great ideas. Why not just sign the cars since you're a celebrity governor? Sign the cars and sell it for more money," the governor says. "That's exactly what we're going to do."

The governor's spokesman, Aaron McLear, said the knife was a gift from a friend and arrived Tuesday, and that the governor is serious about signing the auctioned vehicles.

The auction, planned for late August, was prompted by tips from state employees and put into motion through an executive order. Officials estimate that selling 15 per cent of California's 40,000 government vehicles could raise about $24 million.

Schwarzenegger defended the Twitter video Wednesday when asked by a reporter whether it was appropriate at a time when the state is making deep cuts that are affecting the lives of the poor, elderly, children, college students and government employees. The state also is trying to close the budget gap by furloughing state workers three days a month.

Schwarzenegger said he shot the Web clip because he does not want to be seen as "El Stiffo," suggesting previous governors were less colorful than he is.

The governor said he doesn't enjoy making budget cuts but does need to keep his sense of humour.

"Not that I have fun with making the cuts - they sadden me - but ... that doesn't mean that you cannot wave a knife around, or to wave your sword around, to get the message across that certain cuts have to be made because it's budget time," Schwarzenegger said during the news conference.

Under a compromise plan he reached earlier this week with legislative leaders, the state would cut $6 billion from K-12 schools and community colleges, as well as $3 billion from state universities.

Prisons, health care and welfare programs also would be cut. The revised budget plan is scheduled to be considered Thursday in the Legislature.

McLear said the governor made the clip because he wants to respond to innovative ideas, wherever they originate.

The video had received more than 33,000 hits by Wednesday afternoon

See the knife wielding maniac in action

That's not a knife.

This is a knife: