Looking for error?


New Member
She's not here anymore. The death threats bought her an instant ticket to ban-land. I kicked the rant thread into a protected area so that noone else would be subject to that kind of filth.
Did she say something after my last post or was it the stuff that was already in the rant thread?
I didn't even make it to the end of the thread. All I needed to see was her intense desire to butcher the .. well... nevermind. I don't want it brought back up.
- - Should I be worried?

*locks the front door*

j/k I wasn't even in that thread, not much anywhoose.

Awful sweet sentiments from sucha understanding, careing and loving %oner.

Who'd she want to smite? REveal yourself.

Hey what ever happened to the Kiwi? did he get the boot for good too?
At least you NZ types are frisky enough to come out and play on our yank bulletin boards. I don't think we've had more than 2-3 Aussies, 1 Singaporian, no Koreans, Japanese, Chinese, Indians, Germans, etc.
Who? Warren? aka Krusty? We've had at least 4 New Zealanders over the years.

yeah, that there fella' ain't heard from him myslf in 2-3 years, 'here' as matter of speculation,

I thought BoP was a mainlander, you know the big(er) island,

*head down, hands behind back, drags foot in a half circle infront* soory BoP.