Losing a pet

Be grateful your not there. Your mom isn't driving, is she? Having a driver in these cases is usually a good idea.

Yeah, she's driving. My stepdad is working late, and my brother can't drive. It's going to be pretty rough. Just wish I was there to see him. He looked really bad when I came home last weekend, and she said he's just gotten worse.
The decision is tough enough without being there to hand the pet over yourself. :sadhug: <---from one cat-owner to another
Well, I have SOME good news. Mom took him to the vet, and he said that he doesn't think it's anything that can't be fixed, so they're keeping him overnight to get him nourished (he went from 23 to 11 pounds, you can see his ribs), and they're going from there.

This poor cat has been through hell. Two years ago he kept getting blockages in his urinary tract and it almost killed him. So we spent $600 on a surgery to more or less castrate him so that the tract would be wider, and we spend extra on food that keeps him from getting blockages.

And now here he is again in the pet hospital...I feel so bad for him.
As of yesterday they thought he had an infection so they were going to give him antibiotics and keep him another night. My mom just called back about five minutes ago and it's kidney failure, so he's going to be put down.
I'm sorry too, I missed this thread until now. I think you're looking at it the right way, making sure he doesn't suffer. At the very least, your Mom is able to say goodbye to him properly.
it's not easy, that's for sure. I had to put one of my cats down a few years ago and it killed me. I know all about the urinary tract infections though. Went through that as well.

My eldest is 11 and she's starting kidney failure. Until it gets worse and I see she's suffering, I'm not going to do anything. The vet said she's lucky if she lives till the fall of this year. Well, it's coming toward the end of summer/beginning of fall and she's not any worse. I see no change in her at all and she acts as if all is good too. Runs around and plays like she always has.
Uki Chick said:
My eldest is 11 and she's starting kidney failure. Until it gets worse and I see she's suffering, I'm not going to do anything. The vet said she's lucky if she lives till the fall of this year. Well, it's coming toward the end of summer/beginning of fall and she's not any worse. I see no change in her at all and she acts as if all is good too. Runs around and plays like she always has.

That's good. Just look out for her losing a LOT of weight. We called our cat Fat Poo because he was so friggin huge, and within a month he just turned into a bag of bones. About three days ago he started peeing everywhere, too. And watch for her eating habits. I hope she can get through it.
FluerVanderloo said:
That's good. Just look out for her losing a LOT of weight. We called our cat Fat Poo because he was so friggin huge, and within a month he just turned into a bag of bones. About three days ago he started peeing everywhere, too. And watch for her eating habits. I hope she can get through it.

She was 11 lbs and went down to 9. I don't think she's lost any more. She was at one point peeing everywhere and that seems to have stopped too. She eats like a pig though, so I don't worry there. Thanks though. I hope you can get through this yourself.
He was...but he was so HEAVY! Poor thing would jump off the couch, and all his fat would push against his voice box and he'd make the tiniest involuntary grunt.
He looks like he was a real cutie. I'm sure he'll be missed a lot. I take a lot of pics of mine as well. Here are a few I took not long ago. My boyfriend is holding them.