Losing Weight


Staff member
w00t! I am now down 15 pounds from my heaviest weight (which was a few months ago)! I lost about 4 pounds in the last 3 weeks (that is the last time I was home here, I have no scales at school).

My jeans which I have not been able to wear in over a year i can now wear! Could fit into them 3 weeks ago but were still TOO tight to wear then! YAY ME!

Sorry for the self praise. I am so happy I just had to share!
But don't the jeans that you were wearing fall down now? *ponders which is the better visual*...jk...Keep it up girl!
Squiggy said:
But don't the jeans that you were wearing fall down now? *ponders which is the better visual*...jk...Keep it up girl!

Well, the jeans I was wearing (only had one pair caus ei kinda went through a no jeans phase) have a hole in them so I have not worn them in a few weeks.

I do have a denim skirt though that is very big on my. I wear it around my hips now.
Nixy!!! Yay you!!! Losing weight is very difficult - ask me!! So when I say congrats, well done... I am totally with you on it, hun'!!
w00t i gained 13 pounds over the last 3 yrs, now at 183 :D went on a crash course and already lost three pounds, musta been fluid weight :D
w00t! bought some jeans on the weekend one size smaller than the last pair i had!!!!

good job!
Losign weight is hard to do (or it might just be the three bowls of ice cream i eat after every meal... :D )
:battle: fight those pounds!
Congratulations! I know how hard it is and how wonderful it feels to reach your target. :) I was compelled to write a poem about it a couple of months back:

101 Things To Do With A Dead Chicken
(The Dieters Lament)

I have broiled it, I have diced it,
I have roasted it and sliced it -
but to eat the skin’s a deadly sin.
As “Coq Au Vin” it’s quite divine,
although I shouldn’t add the wine
if I want to be "fash-na-blee" thin.

I have stir-fried it with beanshoots
whilst drooling over baked roots
dripping with butter, nicely browned.
As my dreams became orgasmic
I didn’t make the sauces too thick,
just in case I gained another pound.

I’ve been lectured by the best,
then bored to tears by the all rest
who think that they have found the perfect plan.
Diet regimes so fantastic
that get rid of waist elastic
and let me wear real clothes that don’t expand.

I have suffered from despair,
I know my tales could curl your hair,
of weigh-ins that went so gravely wrong.
Now I’ve come to the conclusion
being slim is an illusion,
the out-size store’s where I belong.

Please don’t think that I’m ungrateful
roast chicken by the plateful
with salad or greens - I know it’s right -
But I’d kill for “Southern Fried”,
a plate of french fries on the side,
not a stick of celery in sight.

Copyright 2002 Celia L-L. All rights reserved.