Lost/Found: 1 twin sister.


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"Looks almost exactly like me"
MADRID (Reuters) - A Spanish twin, separated from her family for 28 years, is suing the Canary Islands for a mix-up at the maternity hospital which led to her being taken home by the wrong mother, media reported Wednesday.
The woman discovered she had an identical twin when she was mistaken for someone else in a shop in 2001.
The two sisters , who were not named, found they were born in the same hospital in 1973 around the same time and a DNA test subsequently showed they were identical twins.
"In 1973 there were two assistants and one supervisor for 60 babies," Densi Calero, who worked in the maternity unit of the clinic at the time, told local radio. "It's not impossible to imagine something like this could happen."
The woman is suing the Canary Island health services for 3 million euros ($4.7 million) for emotional trauma, El Pais newspaper reported. "I wish I'd never found out about it," her lawyer quoted her as saying.
Her sister was brought up alongside another girl, believing they were twins.
(Reporting by Sonya Dowsett; Editing by Richard Balmforth)
How do you NOT know your twin isn't your twin?
There is that... for whatever reason, I always thought that fraternal twins were not same sex... then I recalled that I knew fraternal twin girls in HS.
Was the mother unconscious when giving birth? Otherwise she must have known she had twins.
Luis, she knew she had twins... she went home with two girls, but one of them wasn't actually her kid.

Bish, fraternal just means two eggs got fertilized at once... you could conceivably have fraternal triplets... a boy, a girl, and a eunuch.
Triplets usually are fraternal...or at least one of them is. It's how you end up with 2 of one sex and one of the other.