Lotta sado-masicists out there.........


New Member
Many of us seem so content to spend days/weeks or even years, kickin' our own asses, for mistakes we've made.

Was a time in my own life when all I wanted to prove to me/others, was how well I could punish myself for the many times I had let myself or other folk down, through selfish, bad decisions, or otherwise.

I've learned alot about "forgiveness" since those days, which has served to propell me into a much broader personal growth an' a much healthier perspective.

It has also allowed me to identify, an' appreciate many folks whom I love, as those who are content with puttin' themselves down, an', as I said, kickin' their own asses, day after day, who seem unable to jus' let the past go, an' I try to wrap my heart around them an' encourage them that its ok to fail.

So are you yer own best "ass-kicker"? Or do ya know when to back off, an' give yerself permission to fail?............permission to let others down, an' still get back up again?
I'm too old to kick my own ass, it hurts to just turn far enough to look at it :D
Q said:
I'm too old to kick my own ass, it hurts to just turn far enough to look at it :D
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I hear ya.
I can barely pick my foot up off the floor, much less kick
my own ass.
I can't kick my ass anymore. I can still kick myself in the nuts, but I try to refrain.
I don't like to fail, and by all means i try not to, but whenever i do, i feel bad. So yes, i'm my own best "ass-kicker".
i'm interested in sadomasochism, too. :headbang:

but as for how i feel when i fail... i hate it. i cry in school when i get a "c", sometimes even a "b". when i hurt someone's feelings, it kills me. i, too, am my own worst asskicker, and as some people will tell you, my own worst enemy, too. :(
Hell I jus' learned, like a year ago, what is meant by "dominitriques" (sp - ie: Freako).......

At any rate, a woman I met in a bar, asked me what I did for a livin', then proceeded to tell me she specialized in the above misspelled word.:D

I jus' smiled politely, an' said somethin' dumb like, "uh-huh I see, so what is that?

She laughin' in disbelief, with an' understandably accusatory tone said somethin' like, "yeah right"..........(hey, I was jus' bein' honest)

At any rate, I jus' picked the term (masochist) (sp?):) because it seem to fit.:headbang:

(I keep meanin' to ask Fury, "what's up with 'headbang' prompt"?:rolleyes:
I wasnt till I got married.:D

No really, I am. I have been kickin myself for months since I lost my job. it is hard to be positive.
arris got to it before i did but its dominatrix. or ad es at the end for more than one.

this is my smiley :) :whip: i love ashes too. try these sites out itll help explain


bound is an s/m in the DC area and was in Balti for a while but the one in Balti is now called Taboo i havent been to Taboo yet.
awrgh! i used to know this really great site, that taught me a lot of what i know about the subject. i could've sworn i had it in my old favorites' folder thingy, but i looked thru it all like 7 times and i couldnt find it :(