Lou Dobbs under fire


Well-Known Member

Police Probe Shot Fired at Home of CNN's Lou Dobbs
A gunshot was fired at the New Jersey home of CNN's Lou Dobbs after a series of threatening phone calls earlier this month, the host told listeners on his nationally syndicated radio show.
Dobbs, who claimed the "national liberal media" has in part created a hostile environment regarding immigration, said enduring such incidents has become a "way of life" for him.

"It's become a way of life — the anger, the hate, the vitriol — but it's taken a different tone where they've threatened my wife," he said Monday. "They've now fired a shot at my house while my wife was standing next to the car.

"It's become something else. And if anybody thinks we're not engaged in a battle for the soul of this country right now, you're sorely mistaken."

I wonder if Fox provides some professional protection for their employees?
Seems cnn doesn't much, or at least if they don't agree with your political views.
"If anybody thinks that we're not engaged in a battle for the soul of this country right now, you're sorely mistaken.

And the more you stay on the sidelines and the more you don't make your voice heard, the more likely it is that we're going to lose this battle for the soul of the nation."
I think that it is just that silly little ol' Media Matters fanning the flames of hatred, encouraging domestic terrorism from a radical left-winger who supports amnesty for illegals and has no problem pointing a gun at people whom he disagrees with. :shrug:
Terrorism, or just whacked out liberal crazies who need to go to jail?
Some nut shoots a bullet into a celebrity's house and it's national news. :rolleyes:

It looks like it could have been a stray bullet from a hunter very far away.. The bullet didn't even penetrate his siding and hunting season is under way.
Except it happened in late Sept./ early Oct.

Hunting in NJ

Does Dobbs live on an acreage?

More likely an over-reaction to his comments fueled by Media Matters.
if you don't know who he is, how can he be a celeb to You?
He is a celebrity because people are making a big deal over this incident. And it looks like he's sucking it all in: "I'm so important that people are shooting at me!"
I heard on the news he lives in a rural area. Most likely a hunter...or illegal hunter. Bullet didn't even penetrate his siding.
Most likely a poacher. We get them here all the time (though a little "education" seems to keep them from coming back ;) ).
Stray bullets are just as dangerous but I doubt anyone is after him for his political stand on whatever he sides with. Meh... I bet they'll find it's a hunter/poacher. :shrug: