Love - a decision or a mindless chemical reaction?

Ardsgaine said:
the original question made no sense

Depends on what kind of 'level' you are thinking about it on, but yes. Exactly.

But i can't really carry on discussing it with you though, if you think it's volitional. Because that basically gets us down to the free-will and determinism area, and my view-point on that leans more to the latter.

Agree to disagree? :D

*shakes hands, cops a feel, steals wallet...*
I think control over one's volition changes as we grow older or more experienced, just as love and the decisions it inspires depend greatly on what you expect from love, for example:
If I fell in love now I would be less inclined to even consider marriage for a number of years compared to say my mindset at 25, or 40. Therefore if you subscribe to the theory that there are different types of love (lustful, companionship, puppy) surely the control of decisions and chemicals levels differ from love to love, with the type of love experienced depending on your stage in life?

And again...i'd just like to throw in that we would first have to agree on a meaning for 'love' before attempting a debate. Because everyone's chipping in with their own interpretations blah blah, ok bye.
*watches Scanty trudge away into a sea of doubts without absolutes*

Let Meeeeeee Come too!! :wstupid:

Although having never experienced love my opinion means DICK.
Scanty said:
that basically gets us down to the free-will and determinism area, and my view-point on that leans more to the latter.

You could always change your mind, ya know. :p ;)

Agree to disagree? :D

Sure. :)

*shakes hands, cops a feel, steals wallet...*

*isn't sure what just happened but walks away from it with a stupid smile on his face*
lol :D

Hyphen said:
Although having never experienced love my opinion means DICK.

lol again.

Although you're supposed to just assume that you're right, and live a long and fulfilling life with an inflated sense of your own self-importance....okay?

Scanty said:
lol :D

Hyphen said:
Although having never experienced love my opinion means DICK.

lol again.

Although you're supposed to just assume that you're right, and live a long and fulfilling life with an inflated sense of your own self-importance....okay?

You know me....... How can you not have noticed my Superior Super Ego??
Argh....... self-esteem is a bitch ain't it :crying5:
Scanty said:
And again...i'd just like to throw in that we would first have to agree on a meaning for 'love' before attempting a debate. Because everyone's chipping in with their own interpretations blah blah, ok bye.

Not everyone is going to agree on that. Even Websters definition is open for interpretation. That's the whole point of this discussion; to get different points of view..
I know. Light-hearted discussion. I understand. I just mean if anyone expects to reach an agreement on the question. Because topics like this usually end up being a battle of who's right or wrong.

But this one hasn't! So..... :banana:
Scanty said:
I know. Light-hearted discussion. I understand. I just mean if anyone expects to reach an agreement on the question. Because topics like this usually end up being a battle of who's right or wrong.

But this one hasn't! So..... :banana:


nlnlnlnl......... tell me you're doing that dance in your room right now and I'll go to bed happy.
Scanty said:
I just mean if anyone expects to reach an agreement on the question.

I'm not looking for agreements, really - just thoughts :)

Because topics like this usually end up being a battle of who's right or wrong.

And we're always right cuz we're wimmin! :headbang:
i know this isn't that kind of debate, spirit :)
Scanty said:
Depends on what kind of 'level' you are thinking about it on...
It kinda got off topic. That would be my fault though, sorry :D

And yes. We are right. Even when we're wrong, we're still right. :headbang:
The typical male assumption is that there is a right answer and that through philosophical argument, two people can find it. What matters is defining your terms precisely, and making clear, logical arguments.

The typical female assumption seems to be that there are no right or wrong answers-- no one's right and no one's wrong, what matters is that everyone expresses her opinion and is listened to respectfully.

That's why they say that men are from Earth and women are from Pluto... or however that goes. :p ;)
i thought men were from mars and women from venus? confuse3 [insert limerick rhyming with venus here retard]
The typical female assumption seems to be that there are no right or wrong answers-- no one's right and no one's wrong, what matters is that everyone expresses her opinion and is listened to respectfully.


Aaaaaaand whats wrong with that Sonny Jim??
Sometimes the only way for a discussion to progress towards a solution is if the answer is [/i]not whats obssessed over. Philosphical and shrewd debate are hard to maintain when you are dealing with a heated discussion...... ( P.S. Who told you women listen Respectfully???
I'll kick their ass. D
i think its both in a way. but its also somewhat mystic to me as it cant totally be explained. but you do make the decision to go for it although there are pheramones(sp?)that make people become attracted to each other.
Spot said:
love is a decision
lust is a chemical reaction
I'll second that. Though one doesn't fall in love willingly. It's determined by pre-defined concepts you had in your mind IMO.
love doesn't exist, its an illusion created by chemical. Ok, it sounds horrible, but its probaby true :(