love bugs or nasty, flying, fornicating pests?

I hate bugs, so I am glad I live in WA, still my worst nightmare is yellow jackets....Plenty of them here now....Got zapped on top of my head the other day.
markjs said:
Did you get that nickname from Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix?

Loved the books (all of them) and the character Tonks if thats where you got it from.
no. i have been a tonks for a long time. okay, here comes the story... when i was a little girl i cut my hair in art class. pretty bad. had to get a pixie cut to make it even. guess what? it looked good and everyone started calling me tinkerbell. tinkerbell became tinky became tinks became tonks and i usually answer to any of these mostly tonks, tonky, or tonksy. it's funny because the main person who originated the name tonks is one of the only people to call me by my given name. my mother. i feel like i just had this conversation in another thread, but there you go markjs.
incidentally, i love the harry potter books! can you imagine how tickled i was with the character nymphadora tonks? i giggled for days!!! because i think jk rowling was hanging out in my closet or something.