love is in the air


New Member
Hi y'all!! it's been a long time since i've posted. but i've pasted my latest blog so that you can see where i've been. let me know what y'all think and if you have any advice for me....

(((love is in the air.....can you feel it? i can! it's such a great thing. even when your day is going down the drain because of all the bs, love has the ability to pull you through. and i know that's mushy. and yes, i usually don't subscribe to mushy sentiments. and yet, here i am, spouting it off at the mouth..*lol*..

but i can't help it. the love of my life is here. he's not going anywhere. he's made a committment to me. and that means something!! i've waited a loooooooong time to find this. and i can't help it, don't want to help it, if i'm a bit over zealous about it!

i'm so blessed. and i was blessed before david came into my life. but since he's come into my life, it's made me stop and realize just how blessed i truly am. does that mean i don't wanna necessarily ring his neck from time to time. sure!! as i'm sure he wants to return the favor (probably more so than me). but we've come a long way towards being able to communicate and talk about what is going on with us.

thank you all for being such good friends and supporters. i've been through some rough times. and without y'all, i'd never have made it!

i love you!)))
think i missed something there... :D

i'm 30 and live in charlotte!

In the other thread, this girl who I was 'just friends' with hit on me, and I accepted, even tho I didn't really want to.

Prof was commenting that it was an odd coincidence that on the same day, I frantically posted "This girl likes me and I don't like her but I said that I did but I really like someone else but I don't know if she likes me" and you posted "This guy who I really like likes me".
ok y' love was in the air....

and then BAM....RIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES!!! this is my blog for today:

i know that death comes for us's something that we can not escape....some of us will die peacefully in our sleep, and some of us will die in not so nice ways...i guess the dilema i face is this....when it's time for me to close my eyes for the last time, i would perfer that someone be there with me. it's always been a fear of mine to die alone. and that fear was brought full force into my mind again today.

on my way to work, i came upon a terrible car accident...there were two cars involved and about six cars (including mine) that came upon it. i am the ONLY person who got out of their vehicle to help. one woman did get out of her car after she called 911. but we were the only two on the scene that offered to help.

when i came upon the first car, the woman's car door had been ripped off of the car and she was leaning out of it...she was seatbelted in, but that meant nothing. her air bag had deployed and her front seat was pushed into her back seat. she was alive when i got there. so immediately i began to talk to her. "help is on the way. hang in there. i'm right here. i'm not going anywhere. hang on." she was looking at me and moved her mouth as if to say something, but nothing came out. i held her hand and just kept talking. there was a car seat mangled in what was left of the back seat. so i began looking to make sure there wasn't a child in the mess somewhere. i did everything short of crawling in the vehicle to make sure. but i was almost certain that there was no one in there but her.

there was a man in his front yard. by this time i was shaking from a combination of cold and shock. i knew that if i was cold, she had to be freezing. so i yelled to the man to go get me some blankets. he ran back into his house and got me some blankets. i met him half way and came back to her car. when i crouched down to cover her up as best i could, she blinked, and then her eyes rolled back into her head. and that was it. she was gone. i knew immediately, but i couldn't process it. i was in denial.

by this time, first responders had arrived. the first fire fighter walked by talking on his walkie talkie and was talking about a fatality. he walked over to the other vehicle and was talking to the driver. when he walked back by i asked him to just check her to be sure. i told him that she was alive when i had come on the scene. so, he went over to the car. took great care to find her arm, and her neck. he cut her loose from the seat belt and began to try to find a pulse. after several minutes, he looked at me kindly and told me that she was gone. i really started to shake at that point.

i mean, i knew that she was gone when she closed her eyes. but it was the confirmation that really bothered me. that, and the fact that no one else had bothered to get out of their cars. i mean, i know it's my biggest fear to die alone. but what about them??? what if that was their mom or their sister? would they want them to die alone? i know i would want someone to stop for my loved one. i know i'm not the greatest catholic, but i do try to live my life by the golden rule. i truly try to treat each person as i would want to be treated or as i would want someone to treat one of my loved ones. that's a good guideline. don't you think?

it was just a big wake up call for me that life is short, and very precious. and i am very thankful for all the blessings i have in my life and for the wonderful people who love and support me.
Mac, you held her hand, and gave her comfort ... a total stranger. That's about plus a billion in the karma department. I've been in similar (although not terminal) conditions ... and my personal recommendation ..... a couple of heavy hits of whiskey ... and to bed. IMHO ... this is pretty much why God graced us with alcohol. Then loose the bottle. Depending on your inner strength ... you're at risk of a nasty crash when the shock wears off.

You're good people.

That makes me sad.

It makes me happy to know there are people whom are willing to step up and act.

You did right girl.If Profs idea doesn't work is there not some sort of counselling available via the Police?I know up here they have them .:shrug:
That's the one. I know GF and JJR have the first responder ... I wasn't sure how far you'd gone down that road.