Love Stats

Thulsa Doom

New Member
Some stats compiled by an online match making group:

What happened to the goodnight kiss?
[People’s] attitudes regarding sex on the first date are getting more lenient over time. In 2000, only 50% of respondents felt it was okay to have sex on the first date. Since then that number has climbed steadily, reaching 57% in 2003. Men are about 1.5 times more likely to report that sex on the first date is okay. This is based on a sample of 577,000 people.

Not getting over it
Women are more likely than men to resent their mothers – 26% of women and 19% of men resent their mothers. Feelings of resentment fluctuate over time.

What turns you on?
When asked "What’s the best way to seduce you?" 56% of women said a massage is the best bet, while men (37%) would prefer their partner "wear something stunning."

30% of men prefer small breasts; 2% nearly require it. 62% of men prefer large breasts. As for the size of the penis, 67% of women prefer a larger penis to a smaller one. But nearly 10% of women have a strong preference for smaller penises.

I’ll do that for $1!
When asked how much someone would have to pay them to run around the block naked, we found that men were almost twice as likely to do it for $100 or less and women were more than twice as likely to say they would not do it for any amount of money. The older the respondents, the less likely they were to do it. In fact, by age 60, respondents were not willing to take off their clothes to receive the cash.

Do people outgrow jealousy?
76% of men and 69% of women agree that they can be a jealous person. 24% of women and 10% of men say they have followed or stalked someone they had strong feelings for. Jealousy appears to be a less strongly held emotion over time, however; the older you are, the less likely you are to say that you can be a jealous person.

Celebrity sexiest eyes
When asked “Which actresses’ eyes do you find the sexist?” Men said Nicole Kidman, and Women said Benicio Del Toro.

Do you see children in your date’s Eyes?
63% of women and 53% of men admit to having thought about what their kids would look like after only a first or second date together.

Sexual standards vary between sexes
46% of women say that they can’t enjoy sex with someone who isn’t their intellectual equal or better. 27% of men feel the same way.

Do you have an oedipus complex?
24% of women and 14% of men say that they have dated someone who reminded them of their mother.

Is it love or lust?
88% of both men and women report that they have at least once felt that they were in love only later to realize that it was just a passing crush. 36% have felt it more than once or twice.

Benicio Del Toro is an actress? And excuse me ladies but why would you EVER want to marry a guy that looked like your mother?
I was hoping for the following question:

Would you have sexual relations with someone who doesn't share your politics and world view?

The answer for me is no. Not sure I could even be good friends. Acquaintances, sure, but friends? Doubt it.
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I was hoping for the following question:

Would you have sexual relations with someone who doesn't share your politics and world view?

The answer for me is no. Not sure I could even be good friends. Acquaintances, sure, but friends? Doubt it.

Ms Ann Thrope said:
I was hoping for the following question:

Would you have sexual relations with someone who doesn't share your politics and world view?

The answer for me is no. Not sure I could even be good friends. Acquaintances, sure, but friends? Doubt it.

I disagree. Some of my best friends, male and female, have very differing world views. If you all think alike, what is there to talk about? I prefer diversity in my friends. Perhaps not a long term sexual relationship, but then I'm still in the only one of those I ever had.
Hmmm. Pretty well nails down what I posted in the Real World.

And I'm not singing.
chcr said:
I disagree. Some of my best friends, male and female, have very differing world views. If you all think alike, what is there to talk about? I prefer diversity in my friends. Perhaps not a long term sexual relationship, but then I'm still in the only one of those I ever had.

I understand your point, but I find it hard to enter into any sort of partnership with someone who doesn't share my beliefs. What do I talk about with my friends? Art, music, literature, travel, current events, movies, food, wine,- the list is endless really. But we discuss these things, we don't argue. We may differ on matters of opinion, but when it comes to civil rights, spiritual beliefs (or lack thereof), etc, we're in sync. :shrug:
Every single one of my friends and family are of a differing outlook upon the world. Only a few come close to my views. It would not affect how I feel about someone to hear that they have a fundamental skew that is akimbo to my own. So long as one can respect the reasoning behind why a person thinks as they do, one could harldy blame them for their viewpoint. I would actually feel that having a mate with a 95%+ similar outlook to be fairly bland in the long run.
sexual relations? just got a clinton flash back there... wait are you talking JUST about sex or about a relationship that involves sex. I mean i can see how you would be leery of entering a long term close relationship with someone who was your opposite socialy/politicaly whatever but sex is easy. personally I could have sex with someone even if they didnt share my own language (in fact it might make it more kinky). as for the relationship thing well I can see where you are coming from but i think theres a chemical quality that actually goes beyond those things you mention. im sort of involved with a girl whose the opposite of me in so many ways its not funny. but we are attracted to each other like magnets. what was that thing about opposites attract?
Thulsa Doom said:
sexual relations? just got a clinton flash back there... wait are you talking JUST about sex or about a relationship that involves sex.

The latter. I should have been more specific and said "sexual relationship" but it didn't occur to me since I'm no longer interested in sex without a relationship. :shrug:
<it didn't occur to me
since I'm no longer interested in sex without a relationship>

That says a lot about a person.
At what age do most people grow up enough to hold this view.
(I raised my Son to think that way from the start. It's been funny to see him turn down hot honeys for Sex lol)
Now of course some people never grow up to the point where they'd turn down a quick no strings attached rut, that's not what I'm talking about...