Lowering the standards


molṑn labé
Staff member
My son's friend has a school project. Write at least 4 sentences about this giant dinosaur crocodile that is touring the country & will be at some nearby exhibition hall/museum soon.

My wife helps him type it up. She makes him word it but she directs the thought pattern. It's only 4 sentences. Sounds good.

He turns it in & the teacher rejects it, short of calling him a plagarist. "Sounds like copywritten material" she says. :rolleyes: Find out then accuse.

I wonder if she's this adamant about poor quality when Billys dad makes a fully functioning airport out of cardboard during science fair.
Had that happen to me in sixth grade for a short story assignment...Tends to make one grow up with a touch of defiance...:D
Man, that sucks donkeys :hmm:

Why the hell couldn't the teacher have asked him to do a similar assignment in class time.....giving the lad a chance to prove that he is capable ....... instead of [seemingly] nonchalantly doubting him :confused:

Then again, if I think back, most of my teachers were in the same class of fucktard as well :eh: Must be summit in school ventilation systems.

Studiously Stubborn
I love science. I always did very well in science courses. Except grade 11 Physics. The teacher was absolutely horrible. The class average was in the low 50's. I squeaked by with a 60. This one class made me hate physics with a passion and 180'd my educational path towards the biological sciences and away from the mathematical sciences. As a side note, I re-took a similar class in college because of my low high school grade and got a 98. I wanted to go back to my high school and show him my mark....I REALLY did.

This experience explains my paranoia about my daughters education and my fear that one bad teacher will negatively influence their futures.
I've helped grade papers in University for extra marks, and let me tell you. Help from Mama and Papa isn't what it used to be. There are numerous sites on the internet where you can DL everything from teerm-papers to step-by-step instructions for that perfect science project. My job was to do online checking for bought materials. It's remarkably easy to find out who buys and who doesn't buy their papers. Taught me a lot about boolean logic at the same time.

I truly believe in the merits of letting your kids pass or fail through their own efforts. I will stand behind my son through all of his trials and tribulations, and try to be there for him should he fall, but I want to be there to cheer him on, despite his failures...if only for his efforts.

I can't abide projects created by the parents and given in as the child's work. It's often too easy to spot, and worst of all, doesn't teach teh kid anything except that crime pays.
In my computer applications class my freshman year of high school, I kept getting dinged points on my keyboarding assignments because I would always change the font from Courier to Times because I liked how it looked better. See, I'd figured out how to bring up the drop-down menus in Word Perfect 5.1 so I didn't have to memorize so many keyboard shortcuts.

Later that year, they introduced us to the mouse. I brought a spare one from home for the class because one computer was missing its mouse.

Even later, they started us on ClarisWorks for Windows. For one project, we had to act as though we were the secretaries for a large hotel and do a bunch of assignments that way. One of the assignments was a form letter. The teacher had the class type the letter once, print it, change the names in the letter, print the new one, and so on like that, 10 in all. But I like to do things differently. So I went into the database portion of ClarisWorks, made a database of all 10 names and addresses, then used the mail merge function to print the form letter. You know, kinda like what a real secretary would do. :rolleyes:
I forgot to mention that the teacher wanted me to show her how to use mail merge, but I never got a chance to. :D
Just to stir the pot...this child is black & we all know black children steal & plagiarize don't we? ;)
The projects my kids have to do are generally projects they couldn't do alone, unless I let them have at it with the jigsaw and table saw out in the shop. I have now built three Egyptian temples, I don't know how many animal landscapes I've helped create in shoe boxes, and I've lost count of the pinewood derby cars as well. Giving these kids projects is fine, and the shoebox projects aren't bad, but these Egyptian temples are pushing it a little.

I got accused of plagerism when I was a senior, final paper for a literature class. Probably because I plagerized it though. :shrug:
PuterTutor said:
I got accused of plagerism when I was a senior, final paper for a literature class. Probably because I plagerized it though. :shrug:

Sometimes that tends to do it :lloyd:
so what happened? did the parents go to the school? any good bitchslapping go on?
Gonz said:
Just to stir the pot...this child is black & we all know black children steal & plagiarize don't we? ;)

Tsk, tsk, Gonz. White people plagarize. Black people can't read, remember? :rolleyes:
Shit, that's right, must have been some cracker that wrote it for him, probably in exchange for some smack.
Sorry Gato, that's right, I forgot. How insensitive of me.

No, Les, his mom doesn't give a shit.

However, he sat at my son's desk last night & re-wrote the thing. Today, she tells him it doesn't have enough facts. Facts, mind you, were not part of the instructions.

We wrote our phone number down & told him to give it to her :evil:
id love to hear her excuses to you. bitch she is. do you know if she has done this to other students(regardless of race or sex) or to your son at all?