Lucky weekend...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
I just happened to catch one of these yesterday, on a bass rig. I was shocked. I didn't even have the hook set, as it dropped off the line as soon as I got it over land. :eek:
rrfield said:
Catch and release or lunch? Nothing beats fresh caught fish.

Catch and release is for people who overfish. One fish, per day, per person is my limit. As for your second sentence...cleaned and frozen for the winter months...when I can't be arsed to go into sub-40 degree weather to try catching them.
Ice fishing has its charm. Great option though, freezing it for later. Something to look forward to.
HomeLAN said:
Any weekend you get to go fishing is a lucky weekend.

And next weekend, I'm going out to the same area...with the same 'useless' grape-colored soft-plastic worms. :grinyes:

Oh, yeah...and some longshank size 4 hooks. ;)
MrBishop said:
You're still allowed to fish??!? :cry:

The season stopped end of September in NY :(

My license is good for a year, so I'm damned-well going to use it until I can't take the weather any more.
Gato_Solo said:
My license is good for a year, so I'm damned-well going to use it until I can't take the weather any more.
Mine's April to September - plus two weeks if I buy next year's license ahead of time. $40US

Mind you...I wouldn't want to try wading in my river right around now...she's blown the banks again and the river's brown and fast moving. Some of the stuff washing by would break my legs if it hit me.
MrBishop said:
Mine's April to September - plus two weeks if I buy next year's license ahead of time. $40US

Mind you...I wouldn't want to try wading in my river right around now...she's blown the banks again and the river's brown and fast moving. Some of the stuff washing by would break my legs if it hit me.

Trust me...your license is year-round as well...provided the mounties don't see you. :grinyes: :devious:
Gato_Solo said:
Trust me...your license is year-round as well...provided the mounties don't see you. :grinyes: :devious:
I fish in New York State.... if a Mountie saw me, it's cause he was fishing off-season as well :)

My spot's close to the border. We have border patrol passing by daily... if one of them saw me, it'd mean a fine and the impounding of my minivan. I'd rather wait until April if it's all the same to you ;)
MrBishop said:
I fish in New York State.... if a Mountie saw me, it's cause he was fishing off-season as well :)

My spot's close to the border. We have border patrol passing by daily... if one of them saw me, it'd mean a fine and the impounding of my minivan. I'd rather wait until April if it's all the same to you ;)

1. Fishing too close to the road, then. :p
2. Border Patrol can't issue fines for fishing out of season. They can call the Game commission, though, and restrain you if you become violent.
Gato_Solo said:
1. Fishing too close to the road, then. :p
2. Border Patrol can't issue fines for fishing out of season. They can call the Game commission, though, and restrain you if you become violent.
1) Nah...the last guy they caught though, was walking back to his car. Poor sap.
2) Become violent?'s just a fish or three. I'd invite them for lunch to talk it over. They can help me destroy the evidence ;)
MrBishop said:
1) Nah...the last guy they caught though, was walking back to his car. Poor sap.

Poor sap is right. Here's a thought...a hiding place for your tackle...and some plastic grocery store bags for your illegal catch. If the comission stops you, you can always say that you were coming from the store...:devious:

Bish said:
2) Become violent?'s just a fish or three. I'd invite them for lunch to talk it over. They can help me destroy the evidence ;)

You obviously don't remember the fish-slapping dance...:evilcool: