luis g and lightning


New Member
no, no ... i don't mean to start THAT up again :D

i just wanted to say i watched a special on lightning this past weekend on the discovery channel, which made me think of luis the whole weekend :D
LOL isn't it funny when something in 'real life' reminds you of someone on the board? :)

I'm about to get a dose of lightning here. Storm watch/flood watch in effect till midnight. I never paid attention to coastal flood warnings till last year.

Last night I was driving back from my parents house on Ocean Parkway which is right next to the ocean (hence the name) where there are no lights. Rusty got some good views of some lightning but I couldn't because it was to my left and I had to keep my eyes on the road. :( Maybe tonight we'll get a show!
that show interested me 'cause we don't really have lightning bolts in hawaii. we just see the flash of light in the clouds, but bolts are rare. wow.
One part of the show emphasized the story of a girl who attended a concert in a stadium and was struck by lightning. the narrator mentioned something like, "we are trying to understand why the bolt singled out this one girl."

It's not like the bolt was thinking, "hmm, who should i strike today." It's not 'cause this girl "sinned" and was being punished by God. Come on now. It just happened. :rolleyes:
That's what my mom calls 'Heat Lightning'-when lightning jumps cloud to cloud but not cloud to ground. I guess because we usually only see it in the summer.
I had a bolt hit a tree 30 feet away from me once. I was half deaf for the better part of a day. I was tossed about 4 feet. It suuuucked.
I think we just had another system crash here.. Ive had a few replies vaporize as well as seeing a few new threads go POOF over the last 15 min.

I think I had mentioned that My brother caught it worse because he was a bit closer to the impact spot.
That made me think of the lightning that killed a whole football team in Africa, they were playing, and all players from one team, only one team were killed, the other were scratchless.

BTW, kuu, thanks for thinking about me ;)
The show mentioned 3-4 possible ways to die from lightning:

1. direct hit
2. standing too close to something that receives a direct hit
3. standing on the ground that receives a hit
4. (damn, i forget - something to do with your heartbeat)
4. Asystole, Ventricular Fibrillation, Pre-Ventricular Contractions...

Your heart needs the electrical impulses that pass through it to keep beating. If you get too close to lightning, it screws up the electrical pathways in the heart. You can only hope that it recovers on it's own. If not, you better hope there's an ambulance with a defibrillator closeby. :eek:

Cardiac trivia: If an AEMT or Paramedic in NY witnesses someone go into cardiac arrest, they're allowed to punch them in the chest. No joke. It's called a Pre-cordial thump. You hold your fist 6 inches above the middle of the chest and then bring the underside of it down with force. Yikes.
Originally posted by greenfreak
Cardiac trivia: If an AEMT or Paramedic in NY witnesses someone go into cardiac arrest, they're allowed to punch them in the chest. No joke. It's called a Pre-cordial thump. You hold your fist 6 inches above the middle of the chest and then bring the underside of it down with force. Yikes.

Indeedy. You can do that here too. My mum works at the cardiac intensive care unit in the largest hospital in Europe. I've lost count of the number of times I've been waiting for her to finish, then suddenly a doctor runs from nowhere and hits a guy in the chest! It looks unbelievable, but the guys do a fantastic job, and I salute (or headbang) them :headbang: :D

Sometime in the future, I can see it now...

PA System: Crash team to ER...

Dr (me): OK, what's the status of this patient?

Absolutely gorgeous nurse looking at me with big brown eyes: He's a 30-year-old male; A Mr J. J. Rebbert...

Junior Doctor: Erm... Dr Aspinall... you're only supposed to hit the patient ONCE...... Dr Aspinall?......DR ASPINALL?!?!!?



I saw a Bruce Lee movie where he did that to a guy once, but I don't think it had to do with cardiac arrest... :D
Originally posted by kuulani
The show mentioned 3-4 possible ways to die from lightning:

1. direct hit
2. standing too close to something that receives a direct hit
3. standing on the ground that receives a hit
4. (damn, i forget - something to do with your heartbeat)

Don't forget about that bicyclist that was hit by a bolt from over six miles away. Wasn't a cloud in the sky where he was. Bolt came from a storm cloud over six miles away. Can't remember if it killed him or not.

Did anyone see that Blue Planet special on Discovery. Man, was that some strange lookin deep sea critters or what :eek:
I don't watch TV as often as i used to a few years ago, last time i turned on my TV was around 3 weeks ago...
Can we trade TVs? This one's losing its red curcuit, and it's not even 10 years old. It's getting worse, occasionally the screen flashes completely bright red for a couple of seconds, then goes back to the picture, which is very heavily blue (even on a black screen it's a very dark shade of blue), and adjusting the tint has almost no effect whatsoever. Piece of shit Magnavox. :mad:
Originally posted by alex
Did anyone see that Blue Planet special on Discovery. Man, was that some strange lookin deep sea critters or what :eek:

Ooh, the Blue Planet specials were awesome!! Can you believe some of the fishies that are out there?! :eek: