Luis G ...

Originally posted by nalani
that looks like a bunch of sperm ... keep them away from me ... :D

Are you affraid of not being able to drink beer ? :beerdrnk:
Originally posted by Luis G
Originally posted by nalani
that looks like a bunch of sperm ... keep them away from me ... :D

Are you affraid of not being able to drink beer ? :beerdrnk:

actually, no .. the truth is that I am what they call very fertile ... toward the end of my marriage, I didn't even wash my husband's clothes with mine :D
So you're saying that you're affraid to get pregned, and you're not affraid of being pregned and not be able to drink beer???
Originally posted by nalani
that's cause as soon as I posted that I wasn't feeling the love, ku'u kidnapped me, tied me up with my graduation ropes, and stole my puter! :eek:

I just got free ... *whew* .. and with no thanks to you Luis, I got my avatar! :p

dammit ... now where did those ropes go? :mad2:

Originally posted by Luis G
So you're saying that you're affraid to get pregned, and you're not affraid of being pregned and not be able to drink beer???

wow .. this looks like a problem from my philosophy, essential to logic class ...

If I get pregnant (p), I have to worry about not being able to drink beer because I'm pregnant (q) ... p implies q, p therefore q

so if I stay away from getting pregnant, I can drink all I want :D