Mac vs PC

Congrats, you're now officially running a UNIX based OS.

How does it feel so far?
Welcome to 1990 ;)

I'm liking the Mac so far. I am pissed off with MSN for Mac...but as many have pointed out to me, that's a microsoft problem not a mac problem. I now downloaded Adium but can't seem to make MSN go's like a parasite.
It is known as both the command key AND the apple key. In any case, the one next to the space bar. Spotlight will find the microsoft files.
It is known as both the command key AND the apple key. In any case, the one next to the space bar. Spotlight will find the microsoft files.

Doesn't have an apple on it anymore's a squiggly loopy thingy now.

I will try spotlight right now :)
I got the problem fixed, I just had to clear my account history and re-enter my email and password...apparently it's a fairly common problem with the display pics. So, I will continue using MSN because it's familiar. Also, the deleting issue was related to the fact I hadn't dropped MSN into my applications folder...cause I didn't know I was supposed to...LOL
Doesn't have an apple on it anymore's a squiggly loopy thingy now.

Yep, I know. The old ones have the squiggly loop thing too (a rope knot, I believe). They've just subbed the apple symbol for 'command'.

I will try spotlight right now :)

Spotlight's really useful. I couldn't imagine not having it now. Have fun! :beerbang:

(edit) er... wot inky said. :retard:
I am using my old laptop for some work stuff right now (posting from Mac though) it's painful!
Nixy, I've seen you mention Parallels a few times. If you're going to do that, also consider VMWare Fusion, the major competitor to Parallels. They both do the same main thing, although some of the details are handled a bit differently, and either one may be able to do one or two things the other can't. Fusion usually comes out on top in the comparison reviews I've read, although it's been very close.

Note that with Fusion--and I'm pretty sure Parallels does this, too--you can combine the virtual machine with BootCamp. That is to say, normally, when you install Fusion or Parallels, you create a virtual machine and install Windows on it. However, you also have the option of telling Fusion or Parallels to use your BootCamp partition as the virtual machine. Thus, when you boot OS X, and run Fusion or Parallels, it's really starting your BootCamp Windows in a virtual machine. This allows you to create just one Windows installation on your Mac (the BootCamp partition), and use it either natively (by booting directly into Windows at startup) for maximum performance and compatibility, or virtually, with Fusion or Parallels, to give you quick and easy access to Windows from within OS X, without having to install and configure the Windows OS and Windows programs twice.

Be advised that if you go this route (using your BootCamp Windows partition as your virtual machine's Windows as well), pay close attention to how Parallels or Fusion tells you to activate Windows. Windows thinks it's running on two different computers (one the BootCamp, the other the virtual machine) if you do it this way, so it can be tricky to get it to stop asking you to re-activate it every time you start Windows.

However, note that unless you need the full performance ability of the computer to be dedicated to running Windows OS and Windows programs, you might not need to use BootCamp at all. For office and productivity apps, using Fusion or Parallels should be fine. BootCamp is really only necessary now if you need to run full-screen 3D games.
I've already installed windows...I need it for one word processing program (word perfect) and nothing else so I'm not even going to use bootcamp. If I could get windows to connect to the internet all would be well...the internet settings are all right for Parallels and windows says it connects but it won't send or receive...