Major Dilemma.....


New Member
Ok here goes....My 4 yr. old is running a fever. Last week he had a stomach virus, I missed work for that. We have these things at work called passes, you get 8 when you start (new hire-90 day probation). They come in 4 hour increments. So thats actually 4 full days off in 90 days without pay but they are excused. I had 2 other issues and needed to use 2. Then when the little guy was sick I used the other 2 to stay home and care for him. (Single mom-keep in mind). So, he's running a fever all night, he does have a doc's appointment today at 9:15, which the sitter was going to take him for me, it was a recheck from the hospital visit from the virus (ironic he all the sudden runs a fever now, huh). So, should I just let the sitter take him, and keep in contact with her? Or miss work, which I would be FIRED immediatelty, and I cannot afford this, so its really NOT a question, BUT, he was supposed to go to daycare afterwards and running a fever he can't! If the sitter gets sick from him, then I'd miss time off from work cuz she will be sick!!!!
What do I do??? :confused: :crying4:
If you figure its just a typical childhood disease , let the babysitter take him ,if its anything more serious and you feel you must be there your somewhat buggered .Before giving up though I'd talk to somebody at your job and see if you can't make some arrangement,I'm not familair with what your job is but its better to try then not.

I agree with A.B. 100%.

Your employer should understand that things like this happen beyond your control.

Good luck, Mare - and I hope the little fella gets well soon. :hug:
tough decision but losing you job will affect you child more than a sick day with the sitter.
and hopefully by the time the sitter gets sick, he'll be better and can return to daycare.
Sometimes employers don't understand. I had a friend (female) that worked as a machinist in a racist, sexist Japanese mass production plant that made plumbing supplies. If you were more than 5 minutes late, you were docked 4 hours pay. The second offense was a full days pay. If you were ever late by 15 minutes, you were terminated... no resets. She made it 8 years before she couldn't make it in one day. Fired. The only thing that made it worthwhile was that the pay was fantastic.
The employer may understand that things come up but that is probably why they have the 8 4-hr intervals available. The point of a 90day trial is to test and see if you're what they want...and someone who ends up missing more than 4 days in 90 days is probably not an employee they will keep on after the 90days trial...even if this is a rare occurance for you to have to miss so much work they don't know that. Only after you've been there awhile and have good attendance and then suddenly need a whole bunch of time at once (cause everything ALWAYS comes up all at once as we all know *shakes fist at that*) will they probably be more leniant.

So, my advice is that unless you think it is a very serious illness to go to work and let the sitter take him...if it turns out to be something more serious obviously that is when you should bite the bullet and leave work and be with him...if it's just a routine sickness (as someone else said) one day with the baby sitter with a fever is better than you having no job.
I'd let the sitter take him, give her a nice little tip, and if it is anything serious, she will call you and then you can tell your work place that your kid is moer important to you. Otherwise, it's just a childhood sickness, very common, and everything will be fine.
unclehobart said:
If you were more than 5 minutes late, you were docked 4 hours pay. The second offense was a full days pay. If you were ever late by 15 minutes, you were terminated... no resets. She made it 8 years before she couldn't make it in one day. Fired. The only thing that made it worthwhile was that the pay was fantastic.

Unbelievable. That'd never happy here under NZ Trade Union laws. You can't fire someone unless you've gone through the 3 written warnings, 1 verbal procedure, and you certainly can't dock pay like that. Do you have NO protection against this at all? :confused:
I would present the dilemma to my boss as you did to us and ask his/her opinion. That way, they have to actually be a complete asshole to your face and not hide behind company policy, or, be compassionate and let you have a day off.
BeardofPants said:
Unbelievable. That'd never happy here under NZ Trade Union laws. You can't fire someone unless you've gone through the 3 written warnings, 1 verbal procedure, and you certainly can't dock pay like that. Do you have NO protection against this at all? :confused:
The laws vary from state to state. My state is fairly pro-company. The company in question was within its rights to draw up employment contracts that were on the harsh side of strict. The thinking was that they wouldn't be able to attract and maintain a workforce. It was their high rate of pay that made it viable.
Leslie said:
and hopefully by the time the sitter gets sick, he'll be better and can return to daycare.

She drives him to daycare for me, I leave to early, thats the whole thing.
So here's what happened. She took him to docs, they dont do testing there, so she had to take him to the hospital, which i didnt know. By, 11:30 am, I was freaking NO answer from her, I was calling docs and they said she took him to the hospital, I called there and finally got ahold of her, they wanted to do a strep test, urine work, blood work. They gave him amoxicillian, which NEVER works for my boyz, so they called in Zithromax (stronger antibiotic).
Got in my car to go get the script and THE FREAKING CAR IS DEAD!!!!! WTF. Thank God, a friend at work lives around the corner and can drive me to work for the next 2 days. If I didnt have BAD LUCK, I'd have no luck. And like someone said, all things hit at once is SO TRUE!!!! Because, god knows, I need this job, for many my sanity.

BUT, get this, after MANY years of waiting for "X" to get SSD.....He FINALLY did! He started his application for it in 3-03.....I got a check for the boyz in a "LUMP SUM". There is definetely an ANGEL out there somewhere looking over me! And to top it off, every month the boyz will get a check.
Thank You DEAR GOD!!!!!!!!!!!

So, a shitty day, ended up pretty good, and the car situation, where theres a will, theres a way, maybe get a new one! :D
BeardofPants said:
Unbelievable. That'd never happy here under NZ Trade Union laws. You can't fire someone unless you've gone through the 3 written warnings, 1 verbal procedure, and you certainly can't dock pay like that. Do you have NO protection against this at all? :confused:

Same here...

In fact the UK has some of the more lax employer rights in Europe as we're not a fully paid up member of the EU yet...

Trying to fire an individual in, say Germany, would take you over 6 months to a year... here its about 1 to 3 months unless it was serious misconduct... but then they'd still get that month's pay... :shrug:

Yeah... we pay out large for tax and national insurance... but with the "free" health care, security and education and protection of rights... its not a bad deal for the odd "penny on the pound" now and again!

Oh and...

Great news Mare! :hug:
Mare said:
So, a shitty day, ended up pretty good, and the car situation, where theres a will, theres a way, maybe get a new one! :D
If you've got a way to get to Atlanta, there might soon be a nice red Dodge Dakota truck for sale cheap. ;)
A.B.Normal said:

:beardbng: THNX......I know, when I got the check, I really didnt know what emotion hit me at first, tears came to my eyes! I wanted to hide in a corner and cry at first, I have been so patient through these years and trying so hard as a single Mom to keep it together! Then I wanted to jump up and down and run outside and scream! Now, I just have fifty million things running through my head, saying BE RESPONSIBLE! Make it work this time around. Not to many ppl get a second chance to start over and start the RIGHT way. I need to for my boyz and for me!