Mandated health plans


molṑn labé
Staff member
Billary will get their wish...nat'l health care...just not as soon as they wanted. Here's one man with a backbone. Socialized medicine, coming soon to America.

Governor Robert Ehrlich of Maryland vetoed a bill yesterday that would have forced Wal-Mart to pay a mandatory amount of employee health insurance or potentially cancel plans for a distribution center with 1,000 jobs.

Washington Times

irony said:
...Democrats are complaining that Wal-Mart has a "moral obligation" to give healthcare to its employees.

RUSH: Yes.

CALLER: But yet they want to do it through the legislature and they always say that you "can't legislate morality," which I think is some kind of double standard there.
First thing that cues me in there are the words Wal-mart and morality in the same sentence......right, sure.......
Wal-Mart has never been known to engage in the use of rape rooms nor have they ever used slaves. Seems sufficiently moral to me.
Comparatively yes, they are better than such places.....Yet, you must never have worked there or had an exceptional store when you did if you can actually, honestly, call them moral in the less global more individual scale (individual employee treatment and such like that)
1. Do NOT get me started on WalMart. We ain't got time.

2. If you think there is no mandated government health care, move to Tennessee. See, several years ago the idiots in this state elected Ned McWherter governor. In addition to the known fact that he was a Democrat (a hanging offnese in its own right :D ), he wanted to do a little climbing. Since his ol' pal Al was the Veep up in Warshinton, ol' Ned enacted a little something called TennCare. Tennessee no longer has Medicaid. It was replaced with socialized health care. Now, crack addicts and baby factories can get anything and everything they want (trust me, I have each in my family) at no cost, while the elderly and the poor (trust me, I have each in my family) get nothing. A 22 year old female with three kids and another gestating lives rent free, gets 100% of any medical visits and prescriptions paid in full for zero premiums, and receives every handout available. Meanwhile, a 71 year old disabled heart patient who worked his entire life as a painter and farmer pays more for the priviledge of carrying a TennCare card (which pays only a portion of his medications when it pays any at all) than his monthly check amounts to and must choose between meds, electricity, and food. All so Ned could give Hillary's ideas a dry run at the expense of the citizens of Tennessee.

But I ain't bitter or nothin'...
You forgot about the various and sundry legislators lining their pockets with Tenncare money.
When Brandi applied for and got Medi-Cal, I applied too just for the hell of it. They told me I couldn't get it because she wasn't pregnant and we had no kids.
I shall spare you the history of that marriage, only to say it's a good thing I didn't "git-er-done."
SouthernN'Proud said:
1. Do NOT get me started on WalMart. We ain't got time.

2. If you think there is no mandated government health care, move to Tennessee. See, several years ago the idiots in this state elected Ned McWherter governor. In addition to the known fact that he was a Democrat (a hanging offnese in its own right :D ), he wanted to do a little climbing. Since his ol' pal Al was the Veep up in Warshinton, ol' Ned enacted a little something called TennCare. Tennessee no longer has Medicaid. It was replaced with socialized health care. Now, crack addicts and baby factories can get anything and everything they want (trust me, I have each in my family) at no cost, while the elderly and the poor (trust me, I have each in my family) get nothing. A 22 year old female with three kids and another gestating lives rent free, gets 100% of any medical visits and prescriptions paid in full for zero premiums, and receives every handout available. Meanwhile, a 71 year old disabled heart patient who worked his entire life as a painter and farmer pays more for the priviledge of carrying a TennCare card (which pays only a portion of his medications when it pays any at all) than his monthly check amounts to and must choose between meds, electricity, and food. All so Ned could give Hillary's ideas a dry run at the expense of the citizens of Tennessee.

But I ain't bitter or nothin'...

I agree in principle with national health, but only for tax paying workers and the elderly. You should see the state of our national health care system.
Lopan said:
I agree in principle with national health, but only for tax paying workers and the elderly. You should see the state of our national health care system.
That's not bad, too bad it won't work. There's always going to be that segment of the population that thinks the world owes them a living. As comforting as it might be to simply write these people off and let 'em die, you can't do it. :shrug:
chcr said:
That's not bad, too bad it won't work. There's always going to be that segment of the population that thinks the world owes them a living. As comforting as it might be to simply write these people off and let 'em die, you can't do it. :shrug:

More's the pity, in so many ways.
chcr said:
of the population that thinks the world owes them a living. As comforting as it might be to simply write these people off and let 'em die, you can't do it. :shrug:

Why not?
chcr said:
That's not bad, too bad it won't work. There's always going to be that segment of the population that thinks the world owes them a living. As comforting as it might be to simply write these people off and let 'em die, you can't do it. :shrug:

I'm all for stopping all forms of help for people that feed of the state and by proxy me. People in a spot of bother should get help but long term malingering shouldn't be tolerated, afterall these people would be more likely to mug me than help me.
Lopan said:
I'm all for stopping all forms of help for people that feed of the state and by proxy me. People in a spot of bother should get help but long term malingering shouldn't be tolerated, afterall these people would be more likely to mug me than help me.

I am a great fan of time limits. You get 6 months to straighten your sh*t out, and then you're out on your a$$. It's a one-time, one-shot deal. You can't legislate morality/responsibility, but you sure as shit can make irresponsibility/immorality pay.

Waiting for the inevitable whine about who decides what is immoral, or not
Gato_Solo said:
I am a great fan of time limits. You get 6 months to straighten your sh*t out, and then you're out on your a$$. It's a one-time, one-shot deal. You can't legislate morality/responsibility, but you sure as shit can make irresponsibility/immorality pay.

Waiting for the inevitable whine about who decides what is immoral, or not

Its my money I'll decide. Point in fact . Now this kind of thing really pisses me off.
Lopan said:
Its my money I'll decide. Point in fact . Now this kind of thing really pisses me off.

Twas your government that instilled that culture...just like ours is letting this stupidity flourish. Too bad we can't just let people like that die off...
Lopan said:
I'm all for stopping all forms of help for people that feed of the state and by proxy me. People in a spot of bother should get help but long term malingering shouldn't be tolerated, afterall these people would be more likely to mug me than help me.

Hey, I'm with you 100%. All for it. I'm just too realistic to believe it'll ever happen. Too many bleeding hearts willing to accept the first sob story they're told.