Mandated health plans

No system is fool proof. No matter what you set up, some people who need it will be turned away while others who are capable but not willing to provide for themselves will get accepted.

What we need to concentrate on is closing loopholes in the system. We all know what I'm talking about. Reverse discrimination. As long as we as a society perpetuate this little myth we seem to love so much (Race doesn't matter unless...) we'll have problems like this. We are either colorblind or we aren't. The sooner we quit pussyfooting around it, the sooner we can fix some things.

Is that to say that there are no frauds except minorities? No, not by a long shot. I am related to a few of the biggest frauds in the system. And it sickens me. When most people imagine "white trash Southern worthlessness", you see my cousins. They need to get off their ass and work like the rest of us have to. I'd be proud to kick them out of the system if I could. So save it, it don't apply here.

Plain and simple, we've made it too damn easy to be a drain on the system. It's too inviting for some to pass up.
Wal-Mart is under attack again. This time it's the state of Maryland, whose legislature passed a bill and then overrode the governor's veto, that will require Wal-Mart to spend more money on employee health care in Maryland.

My friends in Maryland, get out while the gettings good. Your state is about to take some severe economic hits. If the states decide to force employers of 10,000 or more to provide insurance, it will be employers of 1000 or 100 or 10 soon enough.

You've been warned (Billary is coming, Billary is coming)

Chi Sun Times...ironically, most of the stories about this issue are telling their readers that the MD legilslature passed this bill & are overlooking the veto override.