Mandela: U.S. wants holocaust

But seriously, guys and gals, what's the big deal? Presidents and political figures are always in disagreement with eachother. All of a sudden little Mr. FreedomFighter attacks the the US with such allogations or what have you, and you have everyone up in arms? :alienhuh: Just find it odd really.
unclehobart said:
Fine .. I'll give you one then. We were arming Iraq in the midst of the fighting Iran just because it made the region a bloodbath stalemate. Keeping a known whack job like Saddam in power at the cost of a few 100,000 lives was much better solution because Iran was a pack of wild dog zealot 12th century dictatorial muslims that would have cut off the oil from all of the worlds major powers. Iraq and the Saudis offered up sweet deals if we would do our thing. That was about 20 years ago. ...pretty much right at the cusp of the modern era.

Don't forget to include Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban.

Hex, unfortunately, those mistakes are still being made, take a look at Venezuela.
alex wrote:
Well, there ya go, got to play that race card somewhere

If only you knew the half of how bad it is here!

It's not that We don't understand Africa, it's that Mandela simply doesn't understand America and his statement about Kofi Annan shouts his ignorance.
Nice of Luis to act the eager US basher, isn't it? Too bad he lives in a country that gets most of it's GDP dollars (yes, dollars) from the US. I, for one, do not expect gratitude, though. I do, however, demand respect. The US is not perfect. No nation is perfect. The US, is, however, open about our failings. When your country can be as open, then you can talk. Otherwise, you sound like an idiot, and we all know that you aren't. ;)
Back to topic... Mandela is an idiot. Here are some rather interesting feedback...

I wonder if he was this anti-American when he was courting Americans' support for his anti-aparteid struggles in the 1970's and 1980's? Furthermore, if he wants to talk about atrocities, he ought look no further than some of the dictators he is so friendly with, like Mugabe (whose racially motivated farm confiscation is causing wide spread famine in Zimbabwe). It is sad, but I think with this crowd running South Africa, the only modern country in Africa will be just like Mozambique or Zimbabwe (starving and destitute) in 20 years.
More like 5 years...

Please name me ONE diplomatic triumph of the United Nations*? Or one military triumph? -- that wasn't really just the United States acting with UN "backing".

* not including Israel's founding ;-)

Like Marxism itself, Mandela is divorced from reality and senile. Apt.

just saw the most amazing thing on the McNeil News hour on PBS. A Polish gentleman (some kind of political analyst) was being interviewed regarding European views on the US He said (paraphrasing):

"Poland is the most pro-American nation in Europe. We remember another American president who was critised by the European chatering classes, but he was vindicated in the end. His name was Ronald Reagan, and he brought about our freedom".

The reportette nearly gasped when he said this. I nearly wept for joy. Our sacrifices have not been in vain...

Mandela should have been executed for murder and war crimes.

Fine then... Not one more dime for any international fund, food aid, medicine, or relief agency. Goodbye UN. Goodbye NAFTA. Goodbye immigration... after all.. we don't want to taint anyone else with our bloody handiwork. All troops outside of embassy staff Marines shall be pulled to within US borders. Our billions upon billions have a much better use at home. Goodbye Korea. Goodbye Middle East. Goodbye Balkans. Lets see if the Belgians and French can prop up all of Africa civil war and AIDS for a change. Its not our damn problem ... but were sure seem to love paying others to spit in our face.
:D Then the world will go to shit.
Gato_Solo said:
When your country can be as open, then you can talk. Otherwise, you sound like an idiot, and we all know that you aren't. ;)

Pretty open about our failures, just browse a few sites like elcadillo and some newspapers like reforma. They are holy devoted to throw shit at the goverment. btw, i don't like our goverment actions either ;)