Maniac Albrights message to Russia


New Member
With this type of message it's no wonder there are parts of the world that thing we are wusses..
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright criticized the U.S. invasion of Iraq, saying Monday it had encouraged Iran and North Korea to push ahead with their nuclear programs.

Albright, who served under President Clinton, said "the message out of Iraq is the wrong one."

"The message out of Iraq is that if you don't have nuclear weapons, you get invaded. If you do have nuclear weapons, you don't get invaded," she said after an investors' conference in Moscow.
"Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright criticized the U.S. invasion of Iraq, saying Monday it had encouraged Iran and North Korea to push ahead with their nuclear programs."

yeah, well, even a broken clock is right twice a day. of course our capacity to deal with other threats around the globe is recognized as opportunity by the bad guys. duh...
Madame Halfbright would be the same one who handed NK the technology, in exchange for a promise, only to later be quoted as saying we were surprised they lied. :rolleyes:
Wouldn't the message sent by a couple thousand ICBMs be 'Don't fuck with us.' rather than 'We're not going to invade you.'?
If we were not under treaty in testing nukes I would suggest testing one in the Pacific for "research" purposes...
Isn't Iran a member of Non-Proliferation Treaty? Maybe we could test one there. ;)
maybe it would be scarier to threaten to drop leaflets with close-up color photos of allbright's naughty parts?
2minkey said:
maybe it would be scarier to threaten to drop leaflets with close-up color photos of allbright's naughty parts?

That must be a violation of some treaty somewhere. Surely nothing that heinous could be legal.