Man's Finger Bitten Off in Scuffle at Health Care Rally


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0thug Eats Senior Citizen Alive

THOUSAND OAKS -- A 65-year-old man had his finger bitten off Wednesday evening at a health care rally in Thousand Oaks, according to the Ventura County Sheriff's Department.

The finger-biting incident occurred after a member of the group protesting health care reform, William Rice, 65, of Newbury Park, became involved in a heated discussion with a member of Code Pink, sheriff's Capt. Ross Bonfiglio said.

The left is out of control. Now this man needs a rabies shot.
Rice got violent first according to your article so the right is out of control.

Does the guy have health insurance or that evil Medicare stuff?
Holy shit! The guy used socialized health care to fix his finger. :rofl3:

That's fucking great. The idiot was out protesting government sponsored healthcare while using government sponsored healthcare and then has to use his government sponsored healthcare when he can't control himself.

Awesome. Love it.
Holy shit! The guy used socialized health care to fix his finger. :rofl3:

That's fucking great. The idiot was out protesting government sponsored healthcare while using government sponsored healthcare and then has to use his government sponsored healthcare when he can't control himself.

Awesome. Love it.

The article posted said nothing about that, unless there's something you know about Los Robles Hospital that I don't.
Rice went back to his own side, was followed and provoked, so the left is out of control.

No, he got violent first so the right is out of control. Probably should be arrested.

The article posted said nothing about that

Here ya go.

"A hospital spokeswoman says the man lost half the finger, but doctors reattached it and he was sent home the same night.

She says he had Medicare."

Fucking beautiful isn't it?
If it had happened under 0bamacare's government option the man would've been declared "too old" to have the procedure to re-attach his finger, given the blue pill, and compelled to appear in front of the "death panel." :shrug:
Yeah, exactly like when he used his medicare. Isn't that just perfect that he used government run healthcare to get his finger taken care of? Priceless.
Imagine the mouth breathing and eye bugging from the left if a CIA interrogator did this to a terrorist!!

Yet it's OK when a rabid member of the Cannibals for 0bamacare takes a bite out of a man standing on the side of the opposition:

The incident was reported at 7:26 p.m. Wednesday at Lynn Road and Hillcrest Drive, where more than 100 people gathered for the pro-healthcare-reform vigil.

About 15 people opposed to President Obama’s healthcare reform stood across the street from’s group. Members of Code Pink: Women for Peace also were there, authorities said.

Rice got involved in a heated discussion with a member of Code Pink, said sheriff’s Capt. Ross Bonfiglio, a department spokesman. After the argument, Rice returned to where his group was standing. An unidentified man then walked from’s area toward the opponents and verbally confronted Rice, allegedly calling him names and acting aggressively, Bonfiglio said.

Rice told investigators he felt threatened by the man and punched him in the nose, Bonfiglio said. A fight ensued, during which part of Rice’s finger was bitten off, Bonfiglio said.

Rice drove himself to Los Robles Hospital & Medical Center in Thousand Oaks. Another man found the bitten-off portion of the finger and took it to Rice at the hospital, Bonfiglio said.

Doctors told Rice the pinky, severed near the second knuckle, could not be reattached because of high bacteria levels from a human bite, he told the Ventura County Star.

Rice said he did not initially plan to participate in any demonstration Wednesday. He was driving by when he spotted Code Pink members, and he stopped to see if they were protesting the military, he said. Rice has a son who is an officer in the Marine Corps.

After a brief exchange with Code Pink members, Rice said, he was satisfied they were not protesting the military. He was leaving when a man who seemed “deranged” approached and called him an “idiot,” he said.

Rice said he felt like the man had singled him out because he was the “easiest target.” But the incident happened quickly, he said, and he doesn’t clearly remember everything that preceded the altercation.

Interview with victim
Yet it's OK when a rabid member of the Cannibals for 0bamacare takes a bite out of a man standing on the side of the opposition:

Who said it was ok? It does sound like weird way to defend yourself from an attack by a rabid member of the Idiots Against Good Health.

But hey, sometimes when your attacked you defend yourself however you can.

Still lovin' that the guy against government run healthcare had to use his government run healthcare. What a hypocrite. :D
Rice got violent first according to your article so the right is out of control.

Does the guy have health insurance or that evil Medicare stuff?
This guy wants government run health care for himself and no one else and he's willing to start a fight that he can't finish to make that happen. ;)
Ya know...I always go out of my way to bite someone's finger off when in a fist-fight. The tough part is getting the finger close to the teeth whilst fighting off the blows from the opponent.

It's a lot easier when they try and 'fish-hook' me with the finger though....hmmm.
The hospital gave a press release...
... the man's medical bills were covered by the government run Medicare plan. :lol: :rofl: :rofl2:
:lol2: :rofl3: