Manufacturing minorities


Southern Discomfort

A local council in England is in a pickle because they can't find any gays in the areas to lavish government-funded support and understanding on, according to the Daily Mail.

The Teignbridge District Council now risks losing grants from the national government because the prevailing theory in London is that authorities who say there are no signficant minority groups in their areas are not doing enough to fight discrimination.

The Teignbridge council, which serves a district with a population of 120,000 in Cornwall, even went to the trouble of spending £3,000 to hire a market research firm to help in its hunt for homosexuals, but it still drew a blank.


LMAO. We set these programs up to help the poor downtrodden minorities, and when an area has none, then they better by-God FIND some!
Perhaps a tag and release program like the wildlife departments have in order to track the migration of the 'minorities' would be in order.

Somone's going to come forward to claim that they're gay and get their money. Wonder what they'll have to do to prove it? :)
SouthernN'Proud said:
LMAO. We set these programs up to help the poor downtrodden minorities, and when an area has none, then they better by-God FIND some!
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SouthernN'Proud again.
unclehobart said:
Perhaps a tag and release program like the wildlife departments have in order to track the migration of the 'minorities' would be in order.
Oh that'd go over really well!

no no no, it's gotta be in the ear man.
Don't screw with this cool mental picture I have. :lloyd:
SouthernN'Proud said:
**has his own notions as to the where**
They might like it though. :lol2:

There a commercial going around about some jerky or something where they
tag this guy. That was the image I got. :D
Perhaps I can rent out my services as a wandering citizen all over Britain. When a town has trouble counting minorities, I can move there briefly, take a cut of the funds, and set up house until someplace else has a problem. I will not, however, do the homosexual thing. That would be taking the money with false pretenses, as I am clearly heterosexual... :lloyd:
Winky said:
You could go to France and masquerade as an Algerian!

I don't speak any of the languages spoken in Algeria, thankyouverymuch. I speak English, Spanish, some Korean, a smattering of Japanese, and a few sentences in German. If I applied myself, I could say a few phrases, but I'd rather not, as the money for language pay will not be enough to keep the local idiots from trying to give me a good drubbing.