
PostCode said:
It's threads like this that I refuse to answer on the grounds it may incriminate me.



marriage is cool

so is unmarriage it all depends on how you feel about marriage.

I think it's an institution, and I always knew I should be instututionalized
BeardofPants said:
Wow. So, are there NO defacto/common law rights then?
okay there is....but not like's more of a property thing or a tax legal rights for medical stuff.
Ms Ann Thrope said:
Marriage? the vast majority of my married friends, with only one or two exceptions, got married for the legal and tax benefits. One couple never planned on getting married until one of them was in the hospital, and his partner realized that she had absolutely no rights as far as his treatment in the hospital went. They quietly got married a week after he was released. Other couples have gotten married to be eligible fo health insurance, and still others for the tax benefits. :shrug:

I'd get married for those same reasons, i need no paper to tell me wether i'm commited or not, and even if i have that piece of paper it won't affect my personal commitment. However, the paper will grant you some extra rights and obligations, that you wouldn't have otherwise.

And I strongly agree with every single word in Nixy's previous post.
Hmm, tricky subject.

I like the idea of marriage......a ceremony that ties two people together for the rest of their lives.

However, the "modern" marraige ceremony was written in 1662, when life expectancy was little more than 30 yrs (if you were lucky). This seems quite acceptable.....a possible 16 yrs of wedded "bliss" before you popped off to meet yer maker. IMO the possible 50+ yrs of marraige that it is possible to reach in this day and age is FAR too long.

So yes, marriage is a good idea..........especially if you end one and start a new one every sixteen yrs or so ;)

I must be jus' missin' the point of this age old, topic.

Do we solemnly believe marriage is a piece of paper? Or a ceremony? Or some sacred lip-service, spoken in the hearing of those we esteem, to give ourselves some kind of feel-good nod of "approval", for doin' that which we suspect society "requires"?

Is it the "institution" of men, or that of an "unknown God"?

What ever we believe it to be, that it is, to us who believe it to be so..........

At any rate, perhaps a more sobering question is, "how far are we willin' to go to further its preservation & vitality, in our own lives?". :confused:
Re: Hmmmmm..............

for me it's a solemn vow...spoken in the presence of those we love and esteem...a promise between two.

one that I don't see ever having faith in believing in again myself.
Marriage is the final nail in the coffin for most relationships. The thought of it along with the ideology it brings scares otherwise functioning couples. They live together things work out fine but as soon they are married they are percieved differently in society and by themselves.

It should be for those who choose it, those who do not should not have to explain their choices.
PostCode said:
It's threads like this that I refuse to answer on the grounds it may incriminate me.


Thanks Babe... that says it all! :lol2:

BTW, Post and I liived together for a little over 4 1/2 years before we got married. I'm glad that we didi. It really helped us to get to know each other better in away no other could. It was knowing each other as well as we did, that has helped our relationship to grow further. I can't imagine my life without him and I don't want to. We will have been married for 3 years in Feb. and have been together for 7 years.
Re: Hmmmmm..............

75renegade said:
I must be jus' missin' the point of this age old, topic.

Do we solemnly believe marriage is a piece of paper? Or a ceremony? Or some sacred lip-service, spoken in the hearing of those we esteem, to give ourselves some kind of feel-good nod of "approval", for doin' that which we suspect society "requires"?

Is it the "institution" of men, or that of an "unknown God"?

What ever we believe it to be, that it is, to us who believe it to be so..........

At any rate, perhaps a more sobering question is, "how far are we willin' to go to further its preservation & vitality, in our own lives?". :confused:

i think its a way of showing commitment. a ceremony of love is what i think it is. and i hope this offends you not but i think it is of man. i truly hope you do not think ill of that.
Re: Hmmmmm..............

freako104 said:
i think its a way of showing commitment. a ceremony of love is what i think it is. and i hope this offends you not but i think it is of man. i truly hope you do not think ill of that.

Hey Freak0, no offense taken.

As mentioned above, and as with anything else, in our lives, whatever the "concept" means to us, as individuals, I believe, shapes our response to it and defines the levels of personal sacrifice we will, or will not go to, to realize success, in such a reliationship.

I do find it interesting, how easily it seems, we rely on our view of the success level of our parents' marriage, to somehow become a type of "boundary", in our own minds, as to the limit of expectation we place upon our level of comittment in our own marriages..........
Re: Hmmmmm..............

75renegade said:
I do find it interesting, how easily it seems, we rely on our view of the success level of our parents' marriage, to somehow become a type of "boundary", in our own minds, as to the limit of expectation we place upon our level of comittment in our own marriages..........

Excellent point! Witnessing the farce that was my parents' marriage cured me of any desire to ever participate in such a thing. :shrug:
Re: Hmmmmm..............

My parents' marriage was great, maybe that's why i'm not affraid of commitment.
Re: Hmmmmm..............

75renegade said:
I do find it interesting, how easily it seems, we rely on our view of the success level of our parents' marriage, to somehow become a type of "boundary", in our own minds, as to the limit of expectation we place upon our level of comittment in our own marriages..........

Well then those who do deserve to not be in fulfilling relationship just because they were set off by their parents marriage which was in shambles.

Your parents exepriences do not determine your fate and they certainly almost never are the fountain of knowledge everyone looks at some point.....God bless their soul and all.
Re: Hmmmmm..............

Luis G said:
My parents' marriage was great, maybe that's why i'm not affraid of commitment.

I've never been afraid of commitment, just leery of marriage. I've come close to the latter once, but luckily fate stepped in and saved me. :D

Of course, there are levels of commitment, so possibly you're willing to go that one step further, Luis, than I'm capable of ever taking. :eh:
Re: Hmmmmm..............

Buttcrackdivine said:
Well then those who do deserve to not be in fulfilling relationship just because they were set off by their parents marriage which was in shambles.

Your parents exepriences do not determine your fate and they certainly almost never are the fountain of knowledge everyone looks at some point.....God bless their soul and all.

Hey Butty, at this point, I think yer jus' tryin' to be controversial on this topic, butt that's ok, my wife likes yer little wiggly-butt avatar, an' so do I!! :D