Mass. gay marriage ban overturned

chcr said:
As I have said time and time again, why does anyone care? Marry whoever you want to, I did.

OH THANK GOD!!! You said it again....Who cares..
mind their own P's and Q's...

SHIT, someone should marry an animal-just to piss thier ass's off.....
The White House said it would review the decision with an eye toward supporting a potential amendment to the U.S. Constitution to outlaw gay marriages. Press secretary Scott McClellan called the ruling “deeply troubling” and denounced “activist judges [who] continue to seek to redefine marriage by court order, without regard for the will of the people.”

Holy shishkebab! Hasn't anyone told these folks that the idea is to move society forwards and not backwards? :(

SHIT, someone should marry an animal-just to piss thier ass's off.....

I think sweden still allows that ........
Ms Ann Thrope said:
Correct me if I'm mistaken, but did you at one time use the word "theocracy?" I fear we're lurching in that direction :mad:

I didnt think we were at first but now I think I am mistaken
Ms Ann Thrope said:
Correct me if I'm mistaken, but did you at one time use the word "theocracy?" I fear we're lurching in that direction :mad:

Lurching? I'm afraid it's more of a sliding downhill gathering speed and intolerance as we go. :shrug:
Mare said:
OH THANK GOD!!! You said it again....Who cares..
mind their own P's and Q's...

SHIT, someone should marry an animal-just to piss thier ass's off.....

Or a 12 year old boy. That's where this is leading.
Bush says this goes against the "will of the people". I don't remember a gay-marriage issue at vote. Did I miss the vote?
Rose said:
Bush says this goes against the "will of the people". I don't remember a gay-marriage issue at vote. Did I miss the vote?

Nope, you missed the point. Dubya thinks his will is the will of the people. And people don't think he's dangerous.
chcr said:
Remember when this was America? :disgust2:

You mean before dryhumping on TV was the norm & gay meant happy & lesbians didn't live in your television? Before judges told legislators how to word a law teh judge requires them to write? That America?
Ms Ann Thrope said:
:rofl4: :rofl: :lol:
too ludicrous....

Why? 20 years ago gay marriage would have had you laughed out of court. Today the court is requiring it.

This slope is very very slippery
chcr said:
Nope, you missed the point. Dubya thinks his will is the will of the people. And people don't think he's dangerous.

It is the will of the people. Assuming you don't go to San Francisco, nobody wants this. It would be shot down in flames at the polls.
Gonz said:
You mean before dryhumping on TV was the norm & gay meant happy & lesbians didn't live in your television? Before judges told legislators how to word a law teh judge requires them to write? That America?

when people were free to express themselves and lifestyles werent controversial. and lesbians on tv isnt bad. some of us like that
Gonz said:
You mean before dryhumping on TV was the norm & gay meant happy & lesbians didn't live in your television? Before judges told legislators how to word a law teh judge requires them to write? That America?

yeah! and we were free to discriminate against any group we wanted without judges getting all PC on us and saying you cant strip people of the same rights that you have! lets go back to that era! Will we be able to keep them damn womens out of government too?