Mass-murder & Obama Assasination plot - foiled


Well-Known Member
Two neo-Nazi skinheads have been arrested by law enforcement agents in Jackson, Tennessee following a plot to shoot up a public school and assassinate presidential candidate Barack Obama.

According to the Huffington Post, authorities have attained Daniel Cowart, 20, and Paul Schlesselman, who reportedly planned on robbing a gun store and choosing an urban school for a murder spree beginning in the state. The duo would have aimed to kill 88 people, 14 specifically by beheading.

If successful, the men would have continued their widespread killings with the presidential hopeful being the final target.

and I ask you, is anyone surprised that a couple of numb skull skin heads planned this?

any prominent black person in authority is a natural skin head target.

the facts behind this story are that they got caght way before any sicnificant part of there "plot' was much past the idea phase. they got caught for something else and one of them blabbed. that doesn't sound like a serious threat to me, it sounds like a couple of stupid skin heads barely out of there teens with too much budwiser and not enough hours scheduled at burger king

i'm all for the fbi takin these idiots to some unpleasant place and making them stay there for a long long long time. but lets not get to carried away here. its a couple of brain dead brain washed high school dropout losers with bigger mouth than brains. like anyone outside there own families will miss them anyway. lock them up and be done with them
probably not the Only plot out there

remember Biden said a crisis in 6mos, and also mentioned kennedy.:eek6: