'master' and 'slave' computer labels unacceptable, officials say


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'Master' and 'slave' computer labels unacceptable, officials say

LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) --Los Angeles officials have asked that manufacturers, suppliers and contractors stop using the terms "master" and "slave" on computer equipment, saying such terms are unacceptable and offensive.

The request -- which has some suppliers furious and others busy re-labeling components -- came after an unidentified worker spotted a videotape machine carrying devices labeled "master" and "slave" and filed a discrimination complaint with the county's Office of Affirmative Action Compliance.
In the computer industry, "master" and "slave" are used to refer to primary and secondary hard disk drives. The terms are also used in other industries.

"Based on the cultural diversity and sensitivity of Los Angeles County, this is not an acceptable identification label," Joe Sandoval, division manager of purchasing and contract services, said in a memo sent to County vendors.

"We would request that each manufacturer, supplier and contractor review, identify and remove/change any identification or labeling of equipment components that could be interpreted as discriminatory or offensive in nature," Sandoval said in the memo, which was distributed last week and made available to Reuters.

The memo did not include any suggestions for alternative labels.

Dennis Tafoya, director of the affirmative action office, said in a separate memo that an "exhaustive search" had been undertaken to find all such labels and replace them with more "appropriate" ones. A form was sent to all departments to identify equipment carrying the labels "master" and "slave" or any other offensive terms.

Faced with an avalanche of complaints from vendors and the general public, Sandoval told Reuters in an interview that his memo was intended as "nothing more than a request" and not an ultimatum or policy change.

"I do understand that this term has been an industry standard for years and years and this is nothing more than a plea to vendors to see what they can do," he said. "It appears that some folks have taken this a little too literally."

Sandoval said that he had already rejected a suggestion that the county stop buying all equipment carrying the "master" and "slave" labels and had no intention of enforcing a ban on such terms with suppliers.

"But we are culturally sensitive and we have 90,000 employees," he said. "We have to take these things seriously."

Sandoval added that in addition to the e-mails he's received "telling me how stupid I am and how I should be fired" he has gotten a positive response from some companies willing to reexamine their labels.

In June, the Los Angeles city council unanimously passed a law requiring that any companies doing business with the city disclose profits they may have made from slavery in the 19th Century. In 2000, the council supported federal legislation seeking reparations for descendants of slaves.


I have to say, I thought of that the first time I heard that terminology and was surprised no one complained about it. It was only a matter of time.

I can't help but believe that there must be something useful these people coud put their clearly inferior minds to work doing.

Oh yeah, I have neither the time nor the inclination to be politically correct.
In the computer industry, "master" and "slave" are used to refer to primary and secondary hard disk drives.

That's the funny part to me. Primary and Secondary are NOT the same thing as Master and Slave. Here is just another example of people who don't know shit about computers making judgements. Oh well, I've got two Masters in my PC at home, think they get offended?
You know, one would think that these people don't spend nearly enough time crapping or something, to come up with something like this. Fucks sake.

Main Entry: 1slave
Pronunciation: 'slAv
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English sclave, from Old French or Medieval Latin; Old French esclave, from Medieval Latin sclavus, fromSclavus Slavic; from the frequent enslavement of Slavs in central Europe
Date: 14th century
1 : a person held in servitude as the chattel of another
2 : one that is completely subservient to a dominating influence
3 : a device (as the printer of a computer) that is directly responsive to another
- slave adjective

As you can see from the merriam-webster definition, only a small portion actually mentions being a chattal. (the things I do when I'm bored... )
I ain't giving up my slaves...indentured servants only work until the bill is paid
Maybe they're just being subservient, biding their time, waitng...

One morning we'll all wake up and it will be "Up against the wall, motherf@cker!"
It's a sign that the "Politically Correct" crowd is running of out of things to make P.C.

Next, they'll say toys can't be called toys anymore, because it's demeaning to classify them as "mere playthings". :D

Or, flying buttresses on buildings can't be called flying buttresses, because it sounds "derogatory".

Or they'll make us stop using the term "motherboard" because... because... f@ck it, I can't think of a punchline right now. :p
Wait, I'm offended that when I talk about my PC (Personal Computer) some people think I'm referring to political correctness. They need to change what they call it. How about:

PE (Politically Expedient).
PB (Political Bullshit)
SLB (Stupid Liberal Bullshit)
JPS (Just Plain Stupid)
paul_valaru said:
master and slave is so offensive I think we need to rename them, I nominate

Pimp, and Ho

Pimp and Bitch. That's what mine are tagged.