Maybe Eisner will resign now


molṑn labé
Staff member

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Pixar Animation Studios Inc. said Thursday it ended talks with Walt Disney Co. to extend a five-picture deal for Disney to distribute Pixar films.

link doesn't work here...

but that would be such a pity! :(
then again, maybe they make such great movies on their own as well...
Grrr... I don't know what else to say. This is a big loss for Disney if you ask me - especially with them recently shutting down the animation studios in Florida. :disgust2:
shadow, it's a cnnmoney link & it worked for me :shrug:

Eisner has destroyed Disney in my never to be humble opinion.
Gonz said:
Eisner has destroyed Disney in my never to be humble opinion.
I think Eisner was good for Disney years ago. I feel like he was pretty instrumental from bringing Disney back from near death - but it is like he's become so self-important that he is now making idiotic decisions that appear to be based more on self serving reasons or an "I'll show you" kind of attitude - it is ridiculous! :(