Maybe I'm just dumb...

Is there a way to see the level of a person's karma, other than mousing over the green dot to see "so-and-so is on a distinguished road"? A person with like 20 or 30 points of karma would look the same that way as someone with 300 points, wouldn't s/he?
Inkara1 said:
Is there a way to see the level of a person's karma, other than mousing over the green dot to see "so-and-so is on a distinguished road"? A person with like 20 or 30 points of karma would look the same that way as someone with 300 points, wouldn't s/he?
| minimumreputation | level                                        |
|           -999999 | is infamous around these parts               |
|               -50 | can only hope to improve                     |
|               -10 | has a little shameless behaviour in the past |
|                 0 | is an unknown quantity at this point         |
|                10 | is on a distinguished road                   |
|                50 | will become famous soon enough               |
|               150 | has a spectacular aura about                 |
|               250 | is a jewel in the rough                      |
|               350 | is just really nice                          |
|               450 | is a glorious beacon of light                |
|               550 | is a name known to all                       |
|               650 | is a splendid one to behold                  |
|              2000 | has a whopping pile of karma                 |
|              1500 | has a brilliant future                       |
|              1000 | has much to be proud of                      |