Maybe this could work


Southern Discomfort
Fight street gangs with lawsuits

FORT WORTH, Texas - Fed up with deadly drive-by shootings, incessant drug dealing and graffiti, cities nationwide are trying a different tactic to combat gangs: They're suing them.

Fort Worth and San Francisco are among the latest to file lawsuits against gang members, asking courts for injunctions barring them from hanging out together on street corners, in cars or anywhere else in certain areas.

The injunctions are aimed at disrupting gang activity before it can escalate. They also give police legal reasons to stop and question gang members, who often are found with drugs or weapons, authorities said. In some cases, they don't allow gang members to even talk to people passing in cars or to carry spray paint.

The tree hugging anti gun liberal snotnose idiots won't let the cops shoot 'em. The minority special interest money grubbing leeches whine "profiling" when one is stopped wearing colors and doing everything possible to BE identified as a member of their little gang. So we are left cowering from a tiny element of society hellbent on breaking every law possible, destroying our neighborhoods and schools, pushing dope on 6 year olds, and being as undesirable as possible. They make money faster than Bill Gates via their dope, prostitution, theft, smuggling, membership dues, and God knows what else. So why not sue their sorry asses?

Basically these pieces of human offal are domestic terrorists. Snuff 'em out, one and all, to the last damn one of them. Nail their nuts to a wall if need be. Hiding in our homes in fear and pretending they aren't out there isn't working. Screw 'em, nobody made 'em sign up after all...choices have consequences.
Fight street gangs with lawsuits

The tree hugging anti gun liberal snotnose idiots won't let the cops shoot 'em. The minority special interest money grubbing leeches whine "profiling" when one is stopped wearing colors and doing everything possible to BE identified as a member of their little gang.

hmmm something tells me treehuggers would just as happlily see them shot if'n gangs became a problem in their neighborhoods.
Snuff 'em out, one and all, to the last damn one of them. Nail their nuts to a wall if need be.

You're not really a big fan of the Constitution it appears.

Hiding in our homes in fear and pretending they aren't out there isn't working.

Just because you're hiding in your home in fear don't assume most other people are.
SUing gangs. I wonder how much they can make off that, hopefully enough to make the cash flow go away for the gang. Though I would say to lock em up and inject them.
The question I have with suing gangs... it's a safe bet the cities would win the lawsuits, but would they have a realistic shot of collecting payment? What would they do? Send collection letters to the last known address, where they won't get opened? Have collection agencies call their prepaid Boost Mobile phones that always seem to conveniently be out of minutes? Put liens on their drug money... which is always cash under the table? Then what do you do when they file bankruptcy? I would bet five bucks your typical gangbanger, at least based on my several years in Fresno, is selling pot and crank all day, lives in a ghetto-ass apartment that's in his baby mama's name and has all sorts of expensive plasma TVs and shit inside said apartment, all bought with cash if not stolen in a home invasion robbery. Cars have several possibilities: foot, the city bus, the baby mama's 1990 Geo Prizm, or some sort of General Motors product, either high-dollar and new (the full-size trucks and Escalades seem to be a favorite... but not Tahoes and Suburbans, which are to the 2000s what the Dodge Caravan was to the 1990s) or old-school with $10,000 in paint and rims and $10,000 in stereo equipment (Cutlass or Eldorado). The point is... unless the gangbanger has one of the final four transportation abilities, what's in his name the city could come after for collection?
Not the post 1861 version. And no, that ain't the reason. Keep jerking that knee like that and you'll end up on crutches before your 15th birthday.

Just pointing out your hypocrisy of acting pro-law in one thread while while advocating actions that go against the Constitution in another. And if you keep jerking yourselfwhile you cower in fear you're gonna go blind and get hairy palms.

Please, think of the kittens.
The preceding spate of illogical nonsense brought to you by the DNC, I suppose. I have no idea what you are talking about. Kittens?
Just pointing out your hypocrisy of acting pro-law in one thread while while advocating actions that go against the Constitution in another. And if you keep jerking yourselfwhile you cower in fear you're gonna go blind and get hairy palms.

Please, think of the kittens.

while i appreciate the "hairy palms" comment...

the two don't necessarily connect.

one could be terrifyingly order-minded on an immediate level and yet perfectly willing to disregard specific higher ideals in order to achieve certain objectives. i'm sure you can think of some examples.
The preceding spate of illogical nonsense brought to you by the DNC, I suppose. I have no idea what you are talking about. Kittens?

He's referencing the "every time you masturbate, God kills a kitten" picture.

one could be terrifyingly order-minded on an immediate level and yet perfectly willing to disregard specific higher ideals in order to achieve certain objectives. i'm sure you can think of some examples.

Like a christian church-going prostitute murderer perhaps.