Me and my GPU antics (especially for MuFu)...


New Member
MuFu, this is for you, dude, as requested ;)

Goddamn, this is SO stupid.

Right, well, I was out one night, celebrating the end of the semester (as you do).

Unfortunately, I discovered this new drink called Goldschläger (loose German translation = gold-hitter), which tastes like red AfterShock (maybe only the UK peeps know this), and has little "gold" bits in the bottom. The trick is to shake 'em up, and down it.

I had 18 of the fuckers (UK shots)... :headbang:

Now, here comes the best bit...

Earlier in the evening, I was cleaning out my computer case, and got real frustrated cos everyone else was going out, and I wasn't, so I thought "ah well, maybe I'll only have a couple of drinks, come back, put the machine back together, and go to bed." So I left all the bits of my machine scattered around the room.

Anyway, I came back at around 4-4:30am ;) , and looked at all the bits of hardware lying around. Now, to me, they looked dusty, so I set about cleaning 'em.

I did OK till I got to my brand new GeForce3 Ti200 card, which I promptly took off to the sink and proceeded to wash :rolleyes:. Luckily, I realised just in time what I was doing. Of course I couldn't put a brand new £150 graphics card in water, could I ?!? But what about the heat sink?!? Ah hah!!! Hence I proceeded to try and prise the heatsink off with my bare hands.

It was the "snap" that made me quickly sober up and witness the horror of half a GF3 GPU hanging off the board (and the fucking heatsink was still on the damn thing).

Anyway, I'd only bought it the previous week, so I RMA'd it, saying that it was a birthday present for my dad, and if he didn't get his cash back, he was going to come down and sort it himself (he's a policeman :D)

Needless to say, I got my cash back ;)

Hope someone replies with another corker ;)

Rock on, peeps :headbang:

lol,few years ago i had a socket 7 mobo socket clip break, pasted the sink on to the cpu, one day i was drunk, and somehow decided on decoding some dvds with it, and the sink fell off, i was confused, so i kept booting the computer, only to have windows eventually fall into protection errors (win98FE lol) i was soo drunk i did'nt know what was happening, opened the case pushed my hand inside and burned it baddd on the bare cpu :eek: :rolleyes:
:D :D :D

You stupid fucking spacktard!!!

Can't believe you even considered washing your GF3! Jeez.. must have been absolutely wankered. Thanks for the post. :D

Well worst thing I ever did was knock a PC of the table (soberly). If fell about two metres. Loads of rivets sheared although amazingly only the HDD was FUBAR. The funny thing about it was the aftermath...

Originally posted by Mutha Funker:
Luckily it was just my old K6-2 rustbucket. Fell about 3 feet and landed with an almighty CRASHHH!!!, scaring the shit out of me. Sheared lots of rivets in the case, bent some brackets and even snapped some screws too which was funny! Most of the bits are still working. I think only the HDD drive is playing up, but it's blatently obvious why:


Originally posted by alwayenoughtram:
you call this lucky? I would handle with more care if I were you. what if these was a baby that well off the table, wouldn't it have brain damages, broken limp and arms.
plz handle with more care, I have feeling you did not care much and just push it off the table and say woops! oh it just a K6-2 who cares . but but u know that abusive.

:D :p

Heehee. Never a dull moment with alwayenoughtram about. How I miss that RAM-hoarding (son/daughter)ofabitch. ;)

Guys, seriously you should try Snakebite + Black + Red Aftershock, AKA "Nastyshock". If you don't do something unbelievably retarded that you don't remember I'd be very suprised. Like this...

Over the Easter break we went out in Oxford and apparently I took a Ferrari up the arse. Now I don't remember any of this, but my mates say I went up to shake this guy's hand and talk to him about his lush, silver 360 Modena. Then after doing that I went round the back and proceded to prove how much I actually did like his car by dry humping the spoiler in front of about 150 people and two police cars. :D

Oh yeah baby!!! :headbang:

off to get wankered again (flatmate's b'day). not a GF3 in sight, thank God :D

speak later dudes!!

Rock on :D :headbang: