Me & Mrs. Palin

Are you ready to admit that Palin has a far lower approval than Obama?

I'm guessing you can't do it.
Self-interest is the government staying out of mine. I will live or die by my choices. Sorry the rest of you sheep can't do the same.

well, good luck with the live or die shit superhero.

the fate of the western world depends on what you whine about next.
I'll keep that in mind the next time you need a cop or a fireman.

For the umpteenth time THAT'S LOCAL GOVERMENT

I'm so glad you people understand the diff...actually, you don't. That is why you want the feds to lead you to water.

By the way, the two times I've needed the cops...they weren't there to stop the crime. They were there to write as report & charge me to get a copy.
Are you ready to admit that Palin has a far lower approval than Obama?

I'm guessing you can't do it.

I think it really doesn't matter this far out from 2012.

When the time comes to take back this country, you can betcha that Palin is the one to do it.
I'm so glad you people understand the diff...actually, you don't.

You have no point. Unless you're saying you like teh communism at the local level.

By the way, the two times I've needed the cops...they weren't there to stop the crime. They were there to write as report & charge me to get a copy.

So you're ready to do away with them?
The Joker is a one-term wonder.

All the people that registered for the first time to seat Barky 0'blahblah in the Whitehouse for history's sake are all wee-weed up over not seeing any of the promises he made come to fruition. And make no mistake they wanted those promises yesterday.

Buyer's remorse is setting in for many of the voters who were deceived by the stylized speech patterns and the pretty mannerisms and the assurances of hope and change and and who now realize the realities of big government and socialism are not what they bargained for.

2010 is just around the corner. With control of the senate and congress back in the GOP's hands, 0bama will be effectively neutered.
You have a seriously awful track record as far as election predictions go.

You just state what you wish was true like you have here.

People voted for Obama precisely because of things like the promise of healthcare reform.
People voted for Obama precisely because of things like the promise of healthcare reform.

Apparently not. The people are overwheming Congress with calls to stay out of our healthcare.

They elected Barry because he's wasn't GW. After 8 years of partisan bickering, they were hoping for change.

They didn't like what he brought.
For the UMPTEENTH TIME it doesn't matter. There's no point there. It's government socialism and you should be railing against it.
I'm so glad you people understand the diff...actually, you don't. That is why you want the feds to lead you to water.
Actually, I want the federal government torn down and rebuilt in a more equitable manner. It is completely impossible to have a meaningfully representative government under the system as it stands. This in no way obviates the need for health care reform and you have to work with what you've got, not with what you wish you had. I think we've had this discussion before (ad nauseum)

By the way, the two times I've needed the cops...they weren't there to stop the crime. They were there to write as report & charge me to get a copy.
Not really the cops job to be there to stop the crime. Do you want them to arrest anyone who they think might commit a crime? In America you're supposed to be innocent until proven guilty.
Actually, I want the federal government torn down and rebuilt in a more equitable manner. It is completely impossible to have a meaningfully representative government under the system as it stands

Someting meanmingful to work with.

Every two years we have elections. Do you (have you) capaigned for someone? Do you fully participate, getting people to register, explaining the issues & talking them into NEVER EVER voting for an incumbent?

Me either (well, I do carry on about the incumbebt thing).

We can change our current system. We all need to be involved in our government. Kennedy, Helms, Thurmond, etc, should never be allowed to happen. I don't care if they are the best , most affable, courteous, compassionate human on planet earth. Get them out of office in 8 years (or less).


torn down...are you hinting toward a change in the structure (scrpaping the Constitution)?
Self-interest is the government staying out of mine. I will live or die by my choices. Sorry the rest of you sheep can't do the same.
Unfortunately both parties have the same M.O., and neither one will keep out of The Citizen's lives. Both parties (Republican and Democrat) are eager to impose laws that will regulate people's personal lives. The only differences between them is the subject of those infringements. Both want to tax the middle class for their own set of special interests.
Two excellent examples:
Bush Sr: "Read my lips, no new taxes" = new taxes on the middle class
Bush Jr: deficit increases under 2 budget sucking wars; bailouts/handouts/"corporate welfare" to irresponsible banks/financial institutions.
OK, vote libertarian

as far as GW...Congress (both (R) controlled & (D) controlled passed the spending bills. He juest didn't have the cajones to veto them
OK, vote libertarian
Another extreme: no government laws/regulations at all. There are some laws that are necessary, such as protecting one land owner from the actions of another. Taxes for roads, infrastructure and education are some of the most necessary government spending... we all use it (even if we don't have a vehicle, or children).

as far as GW...Congress (both (R) controlled & (D) controlled passed the spending bills. He juest didn't have the cajones to veto them
That's my point. ;) Thank you.