Southern Discomfort
on another note... i wonder how much of the quoted figures are the result of there being a very unpopular republican regime in power at the moment. perhaps things may have been different during the carter administration..?
You don't remember Dan Rather's heyday? The man all but wore a cheerleading outfit with a big C on it during the Klinton years. CBS' coverage of the two party conventions was the event that opened my eyes to media bias in the first place. Every word from every Demonrat mouth was met with body language similar to an acolyte mopping up the bread of life from the sensai. Conversely, the looks of incredulity on the faces of every network talking head during the Republicam convention was sickening. Rather threw his credibility and his career away trying to score points for the Demonrats against Bush years after the fact.
And the unpopular regime in power today is a Demonrat congress and a Republican president. This exists by will of the people, who I continue to assert are made up of predominantly morons. Hence any dissatisfaction people feel lies with Demonrats moreso than anyone else and regardless, is their own damn stupid fault. Run out and vote for another idiot next time, people. Don't bother taking time to research anything beyond Media Matters or MoveOn or (God bless and protect us) You Tube's debate coverage. By all means allow Rosie O'Asshole and Sean Penn to continue to dictate your feelings on world issues for you. Michael Moore, who never saw a buffet line he didn't like, is a perfect choice for social commentator. Yep, the status quo is just fine, you fucking sheep.