Medical Marijuana...

One can't invade ones own country.

One didn't. They invaded a foreign country.

Back to the pot thang...I see so many people clammoring to make the harmless little plant legal. Then you show them where it ain't harmless. Few puffs later, they claim that doesn't matter, it should still be legal.

*kicks Gonz in the ass again, just because it's fun...*

how can a state make a law that contridicts a federal law?

no, seriously, I don't get it, i don't think it works like that here.

how can a state make a law that contridicts a federal law?

The eternal American question.

Who trumps who? That is what a civil war was fought about (*well, that and those slaves)

The ultimate authority rests with the feds or the states? It is the eternal question. Since the federal gov't has its authority clearly defined & limited by the Constitution but states have turned over power to them (want more road money? Lower your DUI/DWI want federal monies to fight drugs? Well, let us lessen your authority to increase our own)

States have the 10th amendment but they still ask for federal money. When you ask for money, and take it, you take with it the strings & attachments.
Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Can you say Dept of Education?
The ultimate authority rests with the feds or the states? It is the eternal question. Since the federal gov't has its authority clearly defined & limited by the Constitution but states have turned over power to them (want more road money? Lower your DUI/DWI want federal monies to fight drugs? Well, let us lessen your authority to increase our own)

Sounds to me like a Constitution amendment should be in order to clarify that. Over here there's no such ambiguity, constitution is above federal law, which in turn is above state law, and state law is above city laws.
*evil grin* [Boris Karloff voice]Ah, excellent...another victim...[/voice]

It'll take me a few days to round it all up from various sources.
Sounds to me like a Constitution amendment should be in order to clarify that. Over here there's no such ambiguity, constitution is above federal law, which in turn is above state law, and state law is above city laws.

So, your federal government is more powerful than your state, or local, government.

What happens if the feds are wrong?
Exactly how much pot did you smoke all that time you were living in Quebec ... that you missed so much?

lol, the referendum would have to been a yes to see how it would be handled, I thought a unilateral separation from Canada would have been illegal.
So, your federal government is more powerful than your state, or local, government.

What happens if the feds are wrong?

I'm not sure what you mean with that. If the spirit of a federal law is wrong then the whole country is wrong then. The federal legislators correct the problem and are done with it, works for me.
Because the Chiuhuahuas want & need filtered water, the Oaxacan must pay for it?