Medicinal marijuana

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Actually though, today's addict has it even easier. All you have to do is find they right online pharmacy, fill out an online questionaire and some doctor will rubber stamp your script of Oxycontin, and they'll deliver it to your door.
There should be some sort of follow up on prescription drugs of the additive variety oxycotin, valium medical THC, etc. to make sure the doctors aren't enabling the addicts.

On the other hand I believe pot should be legalised for recreational use, or alchohol should be banned, they are both pretty much the same to me.
spike, I think you are very well aware of SnP's health condition. There isn't even a remote point of comparison between sore feet and what SnP has.

Thank you for quoting that Luis so I could see it. Now please look thje other way while I reply in same spirit as his post.

Spike, go to Hell. Walk a mile in my shoes before you spout off.
spike, I think you are very well aware of SnP's health condition. There isn't even a remote point of comparison between sore feet and what SnP has.

Didn't make that comparison did I? I compared two drugs that get used when they aren't needed sometimes.

There is a comparison between what SnP has and what medical marijuana gets prescribed for however. I'd go so far as to say there's a good possibility these pain pills have been prescribed for sore feet as well.
Actually the one group of people I know of that really "need" medical marijuana are chemo patients. I have heard of a lot of folks who have cancer who are on chemo, that simply cannot eat or hold down food while on chemo without it.
How do you do a DUI roadside check for pot?

There is a new thing called the "DRE", that they use for this kind of thing. It stands for Drug Recogniton Examination, and the guy they call in is a Drug Recognition Expert. It's how they charged me with DUI for with meth as I blew a 0.0 on a breathalyzer. In all actuality, they pretty narrowly "failed" me. Mostly because of my plantar faciitis, which made it very difficult for me to do the stand on one foot stuff.

In the end because of the "fail" they were able to blood test me for methamphetamine, which is just fine with me, because it may have been the best thing that ever happened to me, and I had been so guilty so often that I was resigned to it and pled guilty.

Let me tell ya though, when all your arm veins are so covered in tracks that they have to draw blood from the backs of your hands, it's quite painful and messy. The Sherrifs deputies were very understanding, and even nice, because of how cooperative I was with them inasmuch as I didn't try to play games with them like so many of the folks they arrest. The damn EMTs on the other hand, well let's just say I'd love to have a little time with them in a dark alley....
Actually the one group of people I know of that really "need" medical marijuana are chemo patients. I have heard of a lot of folks who have cancer who are on chemo, that simply cannot eat or hold down food while on chemo without it.

Say hello to a chemo patient who could not eat or hold down food while on chemo, as witnessed by a 106 pound weight loss, had their pancreas destroyed by the chemo, still refused marijuana when offered by a doctor, and has had just damn about enoough of one certain smartass spouting off about shit he knows nothing about.

Pantera said:
Just give me...five minutes alone...
Say hello to a chemo patient who could not eat or hold down food while on chemo, as witnessed by a 106 pound weight loss, had their pancreas destroyed by the chemo, still refused marijuana when offered by a doctor, and has had just damn about enoough of one certain smartass spouting off about shit he knows nothing about.

In other words, you chose to suffer rather than take advantage of an accepted and fully understood course of treatment. Certainly your right. Do you expect everyone else to make the same choice simply because you did?
Accepted...maybe. By some, not all. Fully understood...hardly.

Everyone else can make their choice, but prescribing this stuff for sore feet is opening the door to legalization which as anyone who can read knows I am against wholeheartedly. Also my right.

As for the resident idiot's comments stand. With feeling. I know what he's up to as does anyone else who can read. Shit stirring for the sake of stirring shit is getting old real fast. Said to my face he'd need more than some weed to cope with the pain. Guar-an-damn-teed.
Oh SnP is 100% infallible and always right. By gawd mari-ju-wanna is EVIL, and only HEATHENS would smoke it for any reason! Cancer patients, who'd prefer not to suffer ought to be JAILED, and then MADE to SUFFER like "GAWD" wanted them to in the first place!
BTW, that just impresses the crap out of me, a probation officer, who'd be more than willing to commit a crime because someone pisses him off. I can see you have so much personal integrity, it's just wonderful people like you hold such positions in local government.

Any respect I ever might have had for you, has vanished entirely.
Oh I am quite done, but I too mean everything I said "with feeling".

I was not trying to stir shit or offend anyone, rather he went quite out of his way to get offended.

Ya know what else I find ironic? He's gone to great lengths to let myself, and now spike that he has us on ignore, yet he just has to go and look at our posts (or at least mine), just has to know....Why bother with the ignore feature if you just can't resist that temptation?!?
I personally think it should never be legalized. I have too many friends who smoke it every day and they are constantly stupefied compared to what they used to be. Sure they think they aren't affected but they are wrong. Also I can't stand the smell. Just smelling someone who's smoked pot makes me want to flatten their face. If they want to smoke pot at home I don't care but keep it far from me. I had an acquaintance offer me a joint and I said no, then he said c'mon and I was so furious that I told him that he better not get near me with it if he knows what's good for him. Next stop would have been him shitting teeth for a week.
I see no problem with it for like terminal only patients.
That's about all.

As a former chronic user, I can say, if you want to know what it is to have Alzheimer's,
just smoke it everyday for a while.

First you can't remember your dreams so much that you think you aren't dreaming.
Then when really heavily smoked, you'll find yourself going into another room,
forgetting what you went in there for.

Next thing you know, you can't remember the whole last year....just very few bit's
and pieces.

Some may be able to smoke it periodically, and get by.
I OTOH am a recovering addict/drunk plain and simple, there is no moderate use of many drugs, including pot.

I like having a memory personally. Need it desperately in these times.
I agree with you whole heartedly catocom. The stuff definately has it's dangers. I think as far as abused drugs go, marijuana is deceptively dangerous. It's far more harmful than it's given credit for. I wouldn't say it's worse than alcohol by any stretch, but I also wouln't say it's better, just different.

I definately would also say it's a gateway drug for sure. If one is willing to break the law for pot, it's not a far reach to do so for meth, cocaine or heroin. But it, like anything else is not without it's uses. I am sure god put the stuff there for some reason, and god's reason is certainly beyond my limited understanding

It was pot though, that led me back to meth. I thought, oh I can smoke a little pot and it won't hurt. Thing is, that high, that escape, that release, just made me want what really satisfies, which was meth. Had I never smoked weed again, I have little doubt, that I'd never have stuck that needle in my arm.

Oh well, water under the bridge. I can't wait for Dec. 8th to roll around, when I'll have a year clean! :grinyes: :beardbng:
marijuana may help dumb people become dumber. but i don't see it as any more of a crutch than other repetitive activities like zoning out in front of a TV every night. that CERTAINLY can't make anyone smarter.

i have a friend who smokes every day and is extremely successful.

i have another friend who is utterly worthless, in a productivity sense. he smokes pot too. i think he'd be worthless without the pot.

i think i smoked about 2 years ago. i think before that it was probably 2-3 years. i doubt i'll do it again. and if i become worthless, it'll be my own fault, not whatever random crutch or distraction that helps me deal with being a loser.
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