I agree with you whole heartedly catocom. The stuff definately has it's dangers. I think as far as abused drugs go, marijuana is deceptively dangerous. It's far more harmful than it's given credit for. I wouldn't say it's worse than alcohol by any stretch, but I also wouln't say it's better, just different.
I definately would also say it's a gateway drug for sure. If one is willing to break the law for pot, it's not a far reach to do so for meth, cocaine or heroin. But it, like anything else is not without it's uses. I am sure god put the stuff there for some reason, and god's reason is certainly beyond my limited understanding
It was pot though, that led me back to meth. I thought, oh I can smoke a little pot and it won't hurt. Thing is, that high, that escape, that release, just made me want what really satisfies, which was meth. Had I never smoked weed again, I have little doubt, that I'd never have stuck that needle in my arm.
Oh well, water under the bridge. I can't wait for Dec. 8th to roll around, when I'll have a year clean!