Medicine and side-effects


New Member
So answer this one for me ...

Why bother taking medicine with all its possible side-effects? I've been reading about epidurals and other IV medicines offered during labor and in "rare" case of dangerous side-effects, hospitals offer different medications to offset the first medication. Hello :rolleyes:
:rolleyes: exactly! :headbang:

What kills me about the epidurals:
Drs and midwives will tell you that walking/moving about/gravity makes labour progress faster than anything else. So what do they do in the hospitals? You arrive, likely at 2-3 cm, have the epidural, LAY down, don't progress likely because you're not moving at all, and then 23 hours later you're having a C-section because you didn't progress :retard:

I had nothing and mine were all less than 6 hours first twinge to baby. I walked till I couldn't walk, the last one I was in the jacuzzi until time to deliver. Yeeehaw! That was nice! :D
Originally posted by L. Summerton
I had nothing and mine were all less than 6 hours first twinge to baby. I walked till I couldn't walk, the last one I was in the jacuzzi until time to deliver. Yeeehaw! That was nice! :D

Jacuzzi? Now that's what I call giving birth in style. I'm afraid my hospital only has shower stalls, no tubs *sigh*

But I'm all for no medication, 'specially since it seems that although it numbs the pain, it also prolongs the entire labor.
My friend Bobbi was a Deula which is a modern-day midwife and she had all sorts of stuff to shorten labor. Birthing balls, etc. She was allowed free reign with the hospitals so she could help her patients along in any way she could.

Too bad I don't want kids. I would love to have her with me for that-she's wonderful like that.
Doulas are great! :headbang:

I wish I would/could have had one myself, but hubby wouldn't go for it, and since he is the dad, I conceded. :)
I hate pills. They piss me off. When I have to take them, my immune system is completely out of whack and I'm more prone to sickness. :(