

Well-Known Member
How many meals a week do you eat meat? I did some reckoning and discovered .... Every single one. It's been over a week since I ate a meal without meat.
Just red meat or any kind of meat?

I eat some form of chicken just about every day. When Rusty cooks, it's pork, veal, chicken, and red meat on occasion.

I haven't had red meat in a long time.
beef - rarely
pork - about once a week
fish - at least once a week
chicken - 3 times a week minimum
All meat counts. If it walked, swam, crawled, flew or slithered. If it's method of locomotion wasn't weather related, it's meat.
I feel deprived if I eat a meal without meat. I don't like feeling deprived.
I'm sure sushi's overrated. Perhaps it's a psycological thing... paying all that money for something so small, so it *must* be good...

just imagine some cold rice stuck together, perhaps with a few bits of vegtable jammed in there and some fish shavings perhaps... oh, and some soy sauce if you want it. all cold and gungy.

it's about as appetising as it sounds
I don't eat meat very often

Once a day at most usually and that is usually something like meat in pasta or just chicken fingers or something. I could go for a good steak right now.