Memorizing numbers

It's useful to memorize things like DLN and SS so you don't have to whip the cards out when filling out forms like... applying for a drivers license. :retard:

I don't have to memorize my cell phone number (even though I do anyway), it displays the number every time I turn it on. :beerbang:

I also make extensive use of the phone book it provides, so I don't have to memorize other people's cell phone numbers.
I have phone numbers in my cell phone, however i've memorized a ton of them.
Home phone, cell phone, work phone, SSN, wife's SSN, bank account number, Auto insurance policy number, Federal Employer's ID numbers for 3 companies, to many friends and family phone numbers to count, my tag number, the wife's tag number, anniverasy date, wife's birthday, son's birthday (haven't memorized his SSN yet), used to know all utility account numbers, but then the wife took over paying the bills. :shrug:
tag #
dl #
ss #
bank account # (checking & 2 savings)
atm pin #
phone #
work phone #
10-12 coworkers phone #'s
best friends phone #
sons' phone #
daughters' phone #
sons' ss #
daughters' ss #
mortgage loan #
home alarm code #
work alarm code #
all sorts of project #'s at work
check card #
*head explodes*
My Phone Number and Ext here at school
Home number
My cell #
My mom's cell #
bf's home #
bf's cell #
number to call to use free longdistance courtesy of Blue Light here in southern Ont
ex bf's cell #
ex bf's home #
friend's home #
student #
Licence plate
Postal Code at home
Both grandparent's postal codes

edited to add:

bank pin #
cell pin # for voice mail
# to unlock cell
I totally blanked on the last address I lived at before this one. It was only two years ago that I moved out and I was in the previous place for 5 years! :tardbang:

I forgot about alarm codes, I only have to memorize one and it just changed recently but I was allowed to pick the last four numbers.

You know what too, when I became an EMT, I was assigned a six digit number that I keep for life whether I practice or not. I used that number for pins and id's more times than I can count. So remembering pin numbers isn't really an issue for me.

The SSN number is important, I use it for verification when calling about my credit cards, my car insurance automated phone pay system uses it... I just read something the other day that they're trying to stop companies from using it because of the problem with identity theft these days. And to think, when I worked for Military Car Sales, that was everyone's account number; their social. It was on the front of every envelope that got mailed to them. How stupid is that?!
I received a phone card from MCI Worldcom that had the PIN # printed right on the front of the damn card........dumb wonder they went bankrupt :rolleyes:
I know every single number off by heart in my mobile memory (103) and loads of other shit, like bank details, PINs, dates, random car licence plates etc...

I've been labelled The Freak™ (<-- symbolises the officialness :D)
social security! 21_-25-____!!!!!!! hahah!! i blankied.
icq! i remember myy old one, 36235979, much better than my current one, 1... um... 5? 999? 1? 33? 2? im not sure. :(
Ok, I can remember about 20 IP addresses, Wifes number at work, one of my numbers at work. I know my cell number but my wifes is Mem 1, I know it's only one number from mine, but can't remember if it's up or down. Mine and my wifes SSN, none of the kids SSN's, but I've finally got all their birthdays down as well as the wifes, and our anniversary. I know my wifes plate number, but don't remember mine, Home phone, Mom's phone, and static IP address, Brothers phone numberd are in my Palm, along with everyone elses I don't remember.
Same here.....15-20 IPs for work, IP schemes for other businesses, home/cell/work for clients, cooworkers, and friends (~20 or so), SSN, some B-days, bank account numbers, cell account numbers, employee numbers (current and past), student numbers, SSN, DL number, mileage (from when I filled up last), and a few service tag numbers from BBY. I can't remember my plates. Used to be JNJ 898 (easy enough). I just use the panic button on my alarm remote if I'm unsure if its my car or not (there are three on campus that look exactly like mine.

I can never remember my own two IPs though. Ever. I use subdomains on my websites for those.
I know my Id number, national physical person number(don't ask), The plates to all the three cars I owned and all the cars my dad has owned. I know a lot of poeple's phone numbers from meory aswell, even some I know nothing about form much time. I still remember my University ID number, even if I quit Unisinos in 97 :shrug:
Supposedly if you say it 7 times over you have it stored in yor long term memory..

Unless you toke up like bob marly and then you wont even remember where you live
I know right where I live, right here, in the big ummm. *Goes outside to see what color the house is* white brick house.