Men & women.......Who does the cookin' in Yer Family?

Men & Women.......who does the cookin' in yer family?

  • The man of the house.

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • The woman of the house.

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Meal makin' is shared equally.

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • McDonald's is our best friend.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
Who does the majority of actual cookin' of yer sit-down meals?

Previously, when I was married to my children's mother, she did.

Since, through the influence of a few friends, I've discovered a talent for cookin' that I really enjoy, as do the eaters of my "offerings".:D

I love the results of outdoor grillin', year -round, best of all!

How 'bout you?
Ditto....The boys will burn something for themselves once in a while. But that always costs me the pots they used to cook...
well..... i think you know the answer to that renny. hehe i make the wine.
samcurry said:
well..... i think you know the answer to that renny. hehe i make the wine.

You bring the fruit I'll serve the bread Bro!

So glad to see yer feelin' better Sambonie, an' uh.......yeah, pass the bottle.:D (Miss ya dude!)
Mom did the cooking growing up, Dad took over in the later years as a hobby. In my house, Rusty does all the cooking.
About half and half here, but we both have the habit of taking over for the other about halfway through.
for my parents mum does it for me its either mom or fast food though sometimes ill do scrambled eggs for myself.
i wish i had more motivation to cook, i love cooking, unfortunately my computers would cause me to starve if i lived on my own
tommyj27 said:
i wish i had more motivation to cook, i love cooking, unfortunately my computers would cause me to starve if i lived on my own
Nah, you wouldn't starve. You'd adapt. Throw something in the oven, come back and post, run out take stuff out of the oven, come back, post with one hand eat with the other and clean the keyboard out alot more :D
Q said:
tommyj27 said:
i wish i had more motivation to cook, i love cooking, unfortunately my computers would cause me to starve if i lived on my own
Nah, you wouldn't starve. You'd adapt. Throw something in the oven, come back and post, run out take stuff out of the oven, come back, post with one hand eat with the other and clean the keyboard out alot more :D

*looks for the hidden camera*

That is EXACTLy what I do!!!:eek:
Usually mom, if she can't then my sisters or sometimes me, it all depens on what are we preparing.

Other times (most) we buy it.
my hubby's fish recipes are the bestest in the whole wide world!! And because of that, I cook anything else that doesn't include fish :D

In old Hawai'i, the men did all the cooking ... and most of the food gathering. Damn the missionaries who came here and made the men think that woman should cook too :D
All 3 able-bodied adults who frequent this house share cooking duties, usually on a rotating basis, e.g. "I don't feel like cooking, you make dinner tonight"

Me, my dad, and his girlfriend.