Merrie Monarch hula festival


New Member
Merrie Monarch is in 2 weeks ... I still have a shitload to do before our performance :eek:

1. Make a hala skirt
2. Sew a dress from a pattern - which I've never done before
3. Sew a hula skirt
4. Sew a bandana top
5. Sew a jumper
6. Make my leis
7. Learn two more dances that haven't been taught yet

I'll try not to go too crazy on everyone
It will be hard to go off on us considering that you wont have a spare moment to do any posting. You'll just have to go off on auties cat. (not our OTC auntie.. the family auntie)
You finally found my weakness. I know absolutely nothing about dress patterning and sewing.

Are you telling me that with 200+ family members and a tight knit self reliant infrastructure as your family seems to be, that not one has the skills to show you the ropes? Call uncle Siggy. I'm sure he can set you up.
The one sister I have who actually has a degree in design (cloth) never really gets on the net. :(
unclehobart said:
Are you telling me that with 200+ family members and a tight knit self reliant infrastructure as your family seems to be, that not one has the skills to show you the ropes? Call uncle Siggy. I'm sure he can set you up.

All 200+ family members are already busy sewing their own Merrie Monarch dresses :D
Ardsgaine said:
My Mom can sew... she made Jan's wedding dress. I don't think that helps you though. :(

*tempted to switch the name on that airline ticket from "Ards" to "Ards' mom"* :D
You know, that's not a lot of time. I understand not making the leis because of the fresh flowers, but would you normally have more time than only two weeks?

Please please please can you get a picture of yourself at the festival and post it?? Or just email me?? PLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE?! :crying3:
Sure I can greenie. I was also thinking about stalking a few men in malo (loincloths) and snapping pics of them for you. I know how you like 'em :brow:

And, yes, we normally only have about two weeks to prep ... we're all big fat procrastinators :lol:
Who Is The Merrie Monarch?
David Laamea Kamanakapuu Mahinulani Naloiaehuokalani Lumialani Kalakaua, was born in Honolulu of chiefly rank.

He attended the Royal School and had many careers, among others, in the militia, as a lawyer and as Hawai`i's Postmaster General.

In 1874, at age 37, the Hawaiian Legislature elected him king. During his reign, he worked tirelessly to restore elements of Hawai`i's culture banned by the missionaries, such as the hula.

His fondest hope for Hawaiians was to "be restored to our former position of pride and power in our own land."

As a skilled diplomat, sportsman, author, historian, inventor and world traveler, Kalakaua's life was a mixture of Hawaiian and Western cultures.

Although Kalakaua often was attacked by other Hawaiians for cooperating with the powerful Americans, the Americans saw him as too nationalistic, anti-American, and unpredictable.

In 1887 a group of American and other white business leaders, backed by an armed militia they had founded, imposed on the king a new constitution that sharply limited his powers.

The so-called Bayonet Constitution also placed new conditions on the right to vote, consolidating the influence of wealthy whites. It required that voters have a yearly income of $600 or own $3,000 in property, a rule that disenfranchised about three-fourths of the native Hawaiian voters. European and American males could vote, even if they were not Hawaiian citizens, but Asian immigrants were excluded.

Kalakaua ruled from 1874 to his death in 1891, and his sister, Queen Liliuokalani succeeded him.

His nickname of "Merrie Monarch" evolved from the many gala events he hosted at `Iolani Palace.

Some of the facts from this report were taken from the Bishop Museum.


I wish there were more people in the world who felt good about America. It's hard to live in and love your country when everyone else dislikes it... and to not be able to do anything about it. *sigh*
You know what the sad part is ... I know and love a lot of Americans, many of you included ... it's the Americans-in-power who are the asses and big fat bullies that make most people not like America.
...and a lot of times, the short sighted people extend that dislike or hatred to the people that live here too. No getting around it, it happens. We've done a lot I don't agree with and even feel shameful about but it's still my home, that I love. :)
*trying not to sound sappy* Did I ever tell you that I admire the love and loyalty that you always show to your country? :worship:
im sure youll be allright Ku. it sounds like fun. my aunt can hem and ill be seeing her and my uncle next week to see if i can get some info i can post for you(and ill ask mum tommorrow too) good luck! it looks like itll be fun.