Messed up meals

eating the liver = really bad

Especially with all the hormones and grow estimulators they put to animals these days, no thanks.
True enough....But you're still missing it. :D

A Jersey common that some find strange is tomato sandwiches. Just tomato, mayo, S&P. But the have to be Jersey tomatos...:wink2:
I don't think that's too weird, but since I hate tomatoes, I'll take a pass :D
I know a lot of people who like chicken livers, but I understand what the liver does...
Squiggy said:
Even Jersey Tomatoes?....:eek6:
I don't think we have the option of Jersey tomatoes, I just know the ones they grow in Florida blow.:( they pick them when they're green and gas them, so they look nice and ripe. They taste vile and the texture is simply hideous.
Oh I love tomato sandwiches. Mom would sometimes give me some mozzarella to go with it. But I didn't do the mayo, I usually just had the salt. And sometimes I'd forgo the bread and just salt a tomato and eat it out of my hand.

Whenever she made her sauce (over two days; she really took her time and it was worth it) she would soak the meatballs in the sauce overnight. I could never stand waiting so she would always make me meatball sandwiches. Lordy that was good.
Q, you mean Waxxed Pink....:D Thats what they seem like to me. It should be against the law, I tells ya...
:D I can remember sitting outside with a salt shaker and a basket of Jersey tomatoes and eating them till you couldn't anymore....
I've eaten tomato sandwiches, but that was only cause all I had in the fridge was tomatoes.

As for the chicken livers, I'm with Unc, the very smell will make me nauseaus (SP?).
Squiggy said:
Q, you mean Waxxed Pink....:D Thats what they seem like to me. It should be against the law, I tells ya...
:shrug: I dunno. They make attractive decorations on a salad bar....but if you're gonna eat 'em, be prepared, you'll think you're eating a hunk of wax. :(
I live near a farmers market that specializes in oddball imports. At any given time they have tomatoes from all over the globe ... for $$ of course. Theres always a trade off.

Also, Squiggy, you hit my second largest edible pet peeve. Mayo. *shudder* least the store bought kind. I don't mind when its made by hand.
yeah... tomato sandwiches aren't half bad

...when you drop about 8 oz. of pastrami on 'em.

The closest I come to a tomato sandwich these days is the tomato sauce that I put on my pizza crusts.
ya know, it doesn't HAVE to have a slab of dead animal on it to make it a sandwich :p
mmm, I love baby brussels sprouts....not those big honkers, though...only the babies.
olives are my favourite food group some days :D

Squiggy, I like Brussels too, and *gasp* spinach *peepwall*

hmmm...HP Sauce on spinach...there's an idea!