Mice with fully functional human brains


New Member
Ok, this one is a little more insane then most of them.

Christine O'Donnell on human mice, lying to Nazis, and the women of Middle Earth

I've long belittled Delaware for contributing little to the nation other than traffic jams and toll booths. But if the First State sends Christine O'Donnell to Washington, all will be forgiven.

She has been the Republican Senate nominee for mere hours, but already those investigating her past have come up with enough curiosities to fill a wing at the Smithsonian.

Three years before she discovered that her opponents were lurking in the bushes, it turns out O'Donnell was a "Republican strategist," volunteering her scientific expertise on Fox News's O'Reilly Factor. It was there, as part of a debate on stem cell research on Nov. 15, 2007, that she broke the news to Bill O'Reilly that there are mice with human brains:

O'REILLY: Everybody knows that scientists have enough knowledge to clone a human being if they wanted to.


O'REILLY: But they're not, at least not that we know of. And now they're in the monkey realm. And I don't understand, if that's the possibility that people might be cured, why the objection. Because I never buy the slippery slope....

O'DONNELL: By their own admission these groups admitted that the report that said, "Hey, yay, we cloned a monkey. Now we're using this to start cloning humans." We have to...

O'REILLY: Let them admit anything they want. But they won't do that here in the United States unless all craziness is going on.

O'DONNELL: They are -- they are doing that here in the United States. American scientific companies are cross-breeding humans and animals and coming up with mice with fully functioning human brains. So they're already into this experiment.

And if you don't believe her, just ask Mickey and Minnie.

We know that O'Donnell was telling the truth about the mice with human brains. We know this because, several years earlier during an appearance on Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, she made clear that she would never lie -- not even to a Nazi to protect Jews from being captured:

O'DONNELL: A lie, whether it be a lie or an exaggeration, is disrespect to whoever you're exaggerating or lying to, because it's not respecting reality.

MAHER: Quite the opposite, it can be respect.

COMEDIAN EDDIE IZZARD: What if someone comes to you in the middle of the Second World War and says, 'do you have any Jewish people in your house?' and you do have them. That would be a lie. That would be disrespectful to Hitler....

O'DONNELL: I believe if I were in that situation, God would provide a way to do the right thing righteously. I believe that!

MAHER: God is not there. Hitler's there and you're there.

O'DONNELL: You never have to practice deception. God always provides a way out.

God works in mysterious ways. That's why he gave human brains to mice.

O'Donnell was not idle between her time on Bill Maher (in 1998) and Bill O'Reilly in 2007. In 2003, she gave a speech to the Heritage Foundation about -- wait for it -- the portrayal of women in J.R.R. Tolkien's 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy.

At the time, O'Donnell was described as "director of communications for the Intercollegiate Studies Institute." She spoke about how Tolkien properly wrote about the importance of "you know, the role of supporting your man," but the movie version rejected this feminine portrayal because the "softer side was offensive to women."

I'm sorry for your loss as well.

Back to the topic though it seem she was also a witch. :laugh:

In the clip shown last night on Maher's current show, "Real Time," O'Donnell said:

"I dabbled into witchcraft -- I never joined a coven. But I did, I did. ... I dabbled into witchcraft. I hung around people who were doing these things. I'm not making this stuff up. I know what they told me they do. . . . "

"One of my first dates with a witch was on a Satanic altar, and I didn't know it. I mean, there's little blood there and stuff like that. ... We went to a movie and then had a midnight picnic on a Satanic altar."

Below is the clip with the witchcraft quotes from 1999 via Think Progress:


This one is going to be entertaining.
yet another raging dumbass teabagger heroine. jesus, how can people get behind idiots like her? is it mandatory to surrender higher cognitive function to join the teabaggers?
A dumbass is better than a "bearded Marxist." Chris "bearded Marxist" Coons, self-avowed commie. There's no room for marxist politics anymore.
well at least you realize that she's a dumbass. and really, what is worse, a guy who's likely quite predictable so one could readily mitigate his hogwash, or someone from never-never land who could do just about anything out of the blue? might as well hand an m-16 to a four year-old....
CNN) -- A watchdog group says it plans to ask authorities in Delaware to investigate Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell's finances.
At issue are more than $20,000 of spending in 2009 and 2010 that Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington claims was illegal.
"It turns out Miss O'Donnell has treated her campaign funds like they are her very own personal piggy bank. She's used that money to pay for things like her rent, for gas, meals and even a bowling outing. And that's just flat-out illegal," said Melanie Sloan, the group's executive director.


Maybe a criminal too? This one is a winner.
well at least you realize that she's a dumbass.
i think you miss the bigger picture. One doesn't need much over average intelligence and hold traditional American values to be a decent legislator.

Self-avowed Marxist DQ's old coon from anything above city dogcatcher. Cetainly he shouldn't be elected to any federal office, we aren't a commie nation.

Our nation was designed to be run by the average Joe. Lifetime, career, politicians were not supposed to happen. We the people already have term limits. They just need to be enforced.

Farmers, not lawyers.
Perhaps O'donnel was confusing "fully functional human brains" with this story.

Also, it is not a lie if her intent was not to deceive. You can declare a falsehood to be a truth and still not be telling a lie.

I do agree with her that you are not suppose to lie even to the Nazis. What you can use though is mental reservation.


Nazi: "Are there Jews in your house?"

Me: "There are no Jews here that should be brought to you." - Truth. I do not believe they should be brought to you.

Nazi: "Are there Jews in your house?"

Me: "There are no Jews on my property." - Truth - the bank owns my house until I pay off the mortgage.

Nazi: "Are there Jews in your house?"

Me: "No." Truth - there are Jews in my shed out back.
...as you give the second clever answer sergeant kraus raises his mp-40 and chugs off a few rounds into our chest, as his me follow from behind and start to tear your house - and shed - apart.

yeah gonz, we certainly need farmers in washington. just like we should have plumbers perform surgery. hey when your cousin gets busted for stealing tires, you should certainly act as his lawyer. and, hey, it would be great if you could fly out here to boston and do my work tomorrow. i'm certain you are well-qualified!

...as you give the second clever answer sergeant kraus raises his mp-40 and chugs off a few rounds into our chest, as his me follow from behind and start to tear your house - and shed - apart.

Those were just examples. There is no need to lie unless you have no alternative.

yeah gonz, we certainly need farmers in washington. just like we should have plumbers perform surgery. hey when your cousin gets busted for stealing tires, you should certainly act as his lawyer. and, hey, it would be great if you could fly out here to boston and do my work tomorrow. i'm certain you are well-qualified!


Why did the Founding Fathers only had the qualifications for president that he be at least 35 years old and a natural born citizen?
minx thinks that those who weren't indoctinated in government approved schools are not qualifed for much beyond shovels. I don't think anybody told him about 98% of our economic history.

Bureaucrats r us.
The leftist notion that the common man is unqualified to hold the highest of public office, are just fairy tales from their ivory showers.

