Michigan man throws cat up to 20 times


Well-Known Member
After I threw it up the first time, I don't think I could have eaten it again another 19 times. :shrug:

Wood said the cat was treated at an area vet's office and is recovering.

All joking aside......Poor kitty. The guy should pay for it. So should these POS:

Calling their sons typical boys, the moms of two 17-year-olds accused of killing a cat took the stand Tuesday to try to convince a district judge to transfer their boys’ cases to juvenile court.

By law, a person who cruelly mistreats an animal is guilty of a Class IV felony if such cruel mistreatment involves the knowing and intentional torture, repeated beating or mutilation of a domesticated animal.

Catacide. :sick5: What is the deal with these people??
Nothing typical about it! When I was a kid I knew a few kids who'd kick a dog, but torture and killing.....No. I myself liked to drop kitty down the laundry chute, but the cat came out no worse for wear. We used to light firecrackers on ant hills but I am sure that is a typical boy thing. One time I killed a tiny bird on the top of a fir tree with my wrist rocket and felt horrible. The little guy was suffering so I did kill him out of mercy but aside from hunting and fishing I know killing things wasn't for me. There has to be a reason, as in hunting for food, or fishing, or in time of war when it is necessary, but I'm quite sure typical boys don't kill pets. That is just sick!
By age 17, they aren't 'boys' or 'kids' anymore..they're adult enough to understand that they're killing this cat and doing it in a sadistic way. If it was two 10 year olds, we could talk juvenile court, but 17!!?? C'mon!

Lets see how many times their fellow cons toss'em before the 'fun' stops.
Hah, a 17 year old is just as idiotic as a 10 year old. People don't understand consequences until 25+. Oh yeah, and what a bunch of morons.
Hah, a 17 year old is just as idiotic as a 10 year old. People don't understand consequences until 25+. Oh yeah, and what a bunch of morons.

I agree. Somewhere between 24 & 28 is the actual time of becoming "grown-up".

People (kids) know better but ignore it. That does not let them off the hook though. Don't do the crime of you can't do the time.
I agree. Somewhere between 24 & 28 is the actual time of becoming "grown-up".

People (kids) know better but ignore it. That does not let them off the hook though. Don't do the crime of you can't do the time.
The maturation of humans has been retarded because of the "cult of the child" takeover in Western society.

Responsibility creates maturity. There is a dangerous lack of it in our society for decades.
The maturation of humans has been retarded because of the "cult of the child" takeover in Western society.

Responsibility creates maturity. There is a dangerous lack of it in our society for decades.

I absolutely agree! My folks could have done better perhaps, but one thing my dad instilled in me that I will always be grateful for is a work ethic. If you are going to do a job, do it 110% if you can. So many kids I've known are completely unwilling to work, yet somehow are employed.
The maturation of humans has been retarded because of the "cult of the child" takeover in Western society.

Responsibility creates maturity. There is a dangerous lack of it in our society for decades.

All the more reason to return to a conservative governement & make sure that pop-psych goes away.
Sound more like the KTDS (Kids these Days Syndrome) - and pretty much every generation goes through it. When you're young, you're a rakehell, then you get old and get responsibilities piled on you and envy the freedom that the kids get...and the next thing you know, you're complaining about how the kids are going to ruin the future! :eek:

Many teens go to school, have jobs, stay in school, are socially and morally responsible etc... but you get one story about some kid coming home drunk from HS Grad and the old saw "Kids these days" gets dragged out again.
I agree. Somewhere between 24 & 28 is the actual time of becoming "grown-up".
Gonz agrees /w me. I feel dirty, I think I need to bathe.

The maturation of humans has been retarded because of the "cult of the child" takeover in Western society.

Responsibility creates maturity. There is a dangerous lack of it in our society for decades.

Well, there's is that too. Problem is defining where the hard-wiring ends, and the cultural sissy-fying begins. :shrug:
maybe you could help me get clean too, big boy?
