Microsoft Antispyware

I'm trying it. It's found 5 so far. Spybot found nothing 2 days ago and I haven't really been online so that's interestin'.

Anyhoooo, I was too lazy to bend over and look at the sticker on the box, so I clicked for the alternate method. Alls ya gotta do is lie about what the puter is and where you got it and it'll give you a thing so the site says your winders is valid. Good answers were "Compaq" , "USA", and "Best Buy".
Leslie said:
BASTARDS reset my IE settings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cuss:

PostCode said:
After you run it it'll ask you if you want to reset IE to it's defaults in case it's been hijacked.

You need to read more carefully ;)
all fixed, it's all back to Google now. The MS spyware thingie has a place where you can set what the restore restores it back to as well, so I've changed all that to about:blank and googly things :D
Well I'm gonna run with it a bit. If it's trustworthy enough then I might install it on customers computers. If it wants some kind of subscription, then I'll probably just stick with AdAware and Spybot.

Besides, someone out there will inevitably install it and screw their system up then bring it to me to fix. Better to have an idea what the program does ahead of time.
Considering that MS cannot write a service pack that properly works with 3000+ coders and engineers and a year to tinker with it... I would sooner stick razor wire up my corn hole than d/l a friggin beta-anything.
(Windows users only)

1: Download Ultimatebootcd, full version.
2: Burn it to a CD using burnatonce, plop the cd into the cupholder in the front of your machine and reboot your computer. When prompted, choose to boot INSERT. Wait for it to boot.
3: Double-click the neat litte xterm icon.
4: Type this:
shred -n 666 /dev/hda1
and hit enter. Wait for it to finish, it may take a while.
5: Done! All spyware, adware, malware, viruses, trojans and keyloggers gone! Forever!

'Tis a joke, m'kay?
Kawaii said:
Think I'll just stick to GNU/linux for now.


I'll tell grandma and grandpa to come over to your place so you can teach them how to check their email in Linux.
PostCode said:
I'll tell grandma and grandpa to come over to your place so you can teach them how to check their email in Linux.
No problem. Click the Thunderbird icon, enter your details just as you would with Outlook or whatever, and you're done. Granny doesn't need to know any more than that to use a properly setup GNU/Linux system.
Until she wants to know why her pos spiffy new flash drive won't work when she plugs it into the port. I refuse to try and explain over the phone how to mount a drive and then end up having it brought in because she fubared something else in the process. Most people in this area don't even know what a "desktop" is. No way...that just ain't gonna happen.

Winders blows but it's simple to use and no person in this area knows jack about Linux. They would think it's a wild cat of some sort stalking the area.
So is the validation stuff on that beta for real or will it load on my Pirate XP?