Miers withdraws!

Can't wait for the conspiracy theorists to come out and blame it on Bush. After all... Bush is Texan and owned a piece of texas baseball at one point. Texas lost the World Series in 4 straight... so in a fit of pique... he made her resign in order to steal the headlines away from Chicago.
Well, is IS Bush's fault this time....he nomiated someone unquallifed from his inner circle.

Besides, White Sox fans will never let the rest of the country forget this. You think Red Sox fans were obnoxious after last year? Just wait :)
Well, now that this debacle is blessedly over with, let's see who he comes up with next. Make a better choice, George.
unclehobart said:
Can't wait for the conspiracy theorists to come out and blame it on Bush. After all... Bush is Texan and owned a piece of texas baseball at one point. Texas lost the World Series in 4 straight... so in a fit of pique... he made her resign in order to steal the headlines away from Chicago.

Psst...'twas the OTHER Tejas team he owned...the one that never does shit...
SouthernN'Proud said:
Psst...'twas the OTHER Tejas team he owned...the one that never does shit...
Ya beat me to it, SNP. ;) That OTHER team will only achieve that status on a wing and a prayer. Oh, and good pitching which they will never get. :lol2:
I know it was the Rangers. I wuz just trying to make it more of a 'defend the honor of all Texas' kinda thingy.
rrfield said:
Well, is IS Bush's fault this time....he nomiated someone unquallifed from his inner circle.

That we will never know. Given his fathers choice, I can probably live with that.
So, on top of being a all-encompassing compassionate liberal, you're now a mindreader?
we have assumptions on what has transpired in the past but you dont KNOW what she could have done. that would be like saying you know who the next pres is gonna be, or that you knew the sox were gonna win. speculation only really is half right when spinning the wheel of life. rarely on the mark when human emotion is involved.
samcurry said:
we have assumptions on what has transpired in the past but you dont KNOW what she could have done. that would be like saying you know who the next pres is gonna be, or that you knew the sox were gonna win.
No, it's more similar to looking at a resume and seeing that someone is unqualified for the job.
well wheres her resume? id like to see it and make an educated choice. We have only seen what the press decided we needed to see. and then made assumptions on it.
She's got no experience as a judge or with constitutional law. The homework she turned in had to be given back to her with a big "Fix it" message...

Miers returned a 57-page questionnaire to the Senate answering questions about her legal career and background and such issues as how she would deal with court cases involving the Bush administration if confirmed as the replacement for retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. Specter and Leahy said both Republicans and Democrats on the committee felt she did not tell them enough.

"The comments I have heard range from incomplete to insulting," Leahy said.

"Senator Leahy and I took a look at it and agreed that it was insufficient," Specter said.