Might I suggest


molṑn labé
Staff member
another line of work.

Theresa Farrisi stood in for Schaeffer’s regular music teacher one day last week. One of her assignments was to read Clement C. Moore’s famous poem, “A Visit from Saint Nicholas” to a first-grade class at Lickdale Elementary School.

“The poem has great literary value, but it goes against my conscience to teach something which I know to be false to children, who are impressionable,” said Farrisi, 43, of Myerstown. “It’s a story. I taught it as a story. There’s no real person called Santa Claus living at the North Pole.”

Farrisi doesn’t believe in Santa Claus, and she doesn’t think anyone else should, either. She made her feelings clear to the classroom full of 6- and 7-year-olds, some of whom went home crying.

Libs in action
The article didn't mention it, but I'm setting the over/under at 0.5 on the number of kids she has. Any takers on the over? Do I need to adjust the line?
Farrisi doesn’t believe in (fill in the blank), and she doesn’t think anyone else should, either.

That, IMO, is a typical liberal response to anything. If they don't like, or believe, in it, then you can't either.
Gato_Solo said:
That, IMO, is a typical liberal response to anything. If they don't like, or believe, in it, then you can't either.
Sorry, this is another one of those "similarities outweigh the differences" things. The farther out you go toward either polical extreme, the more prevalent this attitude becomes. It's wrong in either case.
chcr said:
Sorry, this is another one of those "similarities outweigh the differences" things. The farther out you go toward either polical extreme, the more prevalent this attitude becomes. It's wrong in either case.

I even see that attitude in a few members on this forum...
chcr said:
Sorry, this is another one of those "similarities outweigh the differences" things. The farther out you go toward either polical extreme, the more prevalent this attitude becomes. It's wrong in either case.
I'd have to agree as far as the Santa Claus thing goes.
It seems though you have to go a little farther Right these days than left.
I remember about 10 years ago in this area that some churches wanted to go
Only by the Real reason for Christmas, and do away with Santa.

"Extreme anything in bad"
Some things just don't need to be analyzed that much.
tonksy said:
So did this woman have a crappy childhood and feels the need to spread the misery? Bitch.

Nope. She's an "educator" trying to "enlighten" the children...:rolleyes:
Well hell, we all know that parents should have no voice in how their kids are raised. We should let the schools teach them sex, evolution, how to count rocket ships in place of arithmetic, the Lincoln lies, and everything else on the agenda.

Our kid's school is situated literally at the foot of the Appalachian Mountain chain. It borders Federal land. They have social studies class. Think they're learning a damn thing about their own culture? NOOOO! They're being taught all about the Aborigenes, and the Incas, and all that, but not one syllable of their own rich heritage. The teachers, like everyone else in this country,are busy ignoring one of the richest, fullest cultures in America.

At least one of those kids can tell you all you care to know about it though. God bless her.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Well hell, we all know that parents should have no voice in how their kids are raised. We should let the schools teach them sex, evolution, how to count rocket ships in place of arithmetic, the Lincoln lies, and everything else on the agenda.

Our kid's school is situated literally at the foot of the Appalachian Mountain chain. It borders Federal land. They have social studies class. Think they're learning a damn thing about their own culture? NOOOO! They're being taught all about the Aborigenes, and the Incas, and all that, but not one syllable of their own rich heritage. The teachers, like everyone else in this country,are busy ignoring one of the richest, fullest cultures in America.

At least one of those kids can tell you all you care to know about it though. God bless her.

As long as she can parrot the crap, I'm sure she'll do fine. My oldest is taking Algebra and she's not out of middle school yet. While this may not seem a large accomplishment, she is in the South Carolina School System...ranked in the bottom 5 for everything in the US for 12 years running...
Gato_Solo said:
Nope. She's an "educator" trying to "enlighten" the children...:rolleyes:
It always amuses me how many people think that "enlightenment" is tantamount to thinking exactly like them. I have the same view of people who whine about "right thinking."
Gato said:
My oldest is taking Algebra and she's not out of middle school yet. While this may not seem a large accomplishment, she is in the South Carolina School System...ranked in the bottom 5 for everything in the US for 12 years running...

That's standard these days. Introduce all kinds of elements & learn none of them. Another homeschooling reason.
Gato_Solo said:
As long as she can parrot the crap, I'm sure she'll do fine....
You hit the nail on the head....
My oldest niece made straight As, got a scholarship and everything....
A grade for 2 years later now, and she can't remember 1/3 of what she was "taught".
All you have to do is retain it long enough for the test. :confused:
rrfield said:
You know, a person can be an idiot without being a liberal.

True...but liberals are the ones making the most noise at the present time, so they will get the brunt of the ridicule. Just like conservatives got the brunt during the Clinton years. It would also help if liberals didn't make themselves obvious targets by doing extreme acts...such as protesting crosses for fallen police officers, vandalizing cars at airports, or protesting the phrase "Merry Christmas".
Yeah, well, you know that's just, like, your opinion, man.


You guys are great though. Anytime someone does something stupid, no matter what it is, they are a liberal.


Wow, I feel like a better person now!

Merry Christmas!
rrfield said:
Yeah, well, you know that's just, like, your opinion, man.


You guys are great though. Anytime someone does something stupid, no matter what it is, they are a liberal.


Wow, I feel like a better person now!

Merry Christmas!

Nope. It's not the intelligence level...it's the cause that's being fought for. If you concentrate on real, meaty, issues such as starvation, disease, or poverty, you'd be okay...but quibbling over definitions and interpretations doesn't do anyboy any good at all. It also helps if you actually do something instead of incessantly complaining. As I grew older, my annoyance level at those who think they know what's best for me has risen accordingly. It'll happen to you, too.
Gato_Solo said:
Just like conservatives got the brunt during the Clinton years.

No, the libs were stupid then too.

Any republican, RR, who gets caught being stupid, is duly punished (ask Delay).